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gotta ask... when hanging out with Mouse for the first time in "free time" she mentions a show called 'Crimson High' Is that a game that is playable or something that was really well made up

Yes! That's a nod to VertigoAVN, who made the texting system for WCA! You can find it here:

The funny thing about this game is there isnt ENOUGH story for me lol. I kept thinking I was about to get the juicy goblin lore or elf lore and all I got were these damn sex scenes! Lol, but for real, where the game starts and where it ends up is so shocking in retrospect. I was expecting monster harem and got bizarre cross-dimensional violent drama. If I had to nitpick, you spent WAY more time talking about radio short hand than was necessary, like for real I felt like I actually got a job as a security guard and I was gonna be tested on the information at the end haha. Minor Spoiler: Idk if you originally planned on the goblins being basically the main characters but I'm glad you went that route. In fact I feel like if the game has a lesson it's that looks are often deceiving, which is a really refreshing way to introduce a bunch of well-known fantasy races

Lot of this comes from my own experience, and I really wanted the player to be immersed, so I based a lot of things in reality but gave them a fantasy twist. Enough familiar to be comfortable, enough different to feel that joy of discovery. 

As for the goblins, they're probably my crowning achievement. I'm a very Against Type writer, so I like to take common tropes and expectations and turn them on their heads. I wanted to take a characteristically "ugly" race and see if I could make them cute without losing what made them goblins. I was tired of the short fugly ones and I was tired of just "green humans" being called goblins, so I wanted to redefine what a goblin love interest could look like. Quite proud of them... so I had to make more lol


Vic just wanted to say you got rockstar status at our home. my girl and I reread then discuss everything thats changed  and our thoughts on whats to come. 

would love to see more Kanoko soon!

Brother I'm so happy WCA is something you can share with your girl.  Most people would feel compelled to hide the fact that they play games like this, but the story is the point, not the sex. Ya made my day.


Glad to hear we made your day. We wanted youn to know your work is appreciated and keep up the awesome work.


I am really liking this game. I started all over just to change my name to Rufus. Idk why but them saying the same thing about it made me laugh way harder than I care to admit lol.

LOL I really should put some conditionals in there at some point. 


Goated, just cause the writer recognizes Death Stranding as a masterpiece.

I have 24 years of writing experience and do professional book coaching on the side, and STILL Kojima regularly makes me look like an idiot by comparison. The man's writing is on another level. 

glad to know the people still got good taste


Breed me giant lady uwu. (im a man)


There's a voicemail from Galka waiting for ya in the Discord :)

what was update 1.3 about i dint have anything ne

1.3 added the entire main story Season 2 Episode 3, as well as 1 more secret character and a few side story scenes. Make sure you have

Also if your save is from one of the beta versions (before July, version 0.x.x.x), be advised your save won't work with the full release version (version 1.0+). If you have a beta save, due to finalizing backend systems, you'll have to start over one last time. Thankfully, because this is the full release, there will be no more restarts, as backend systems have been finalized and there should be no new system critical variables. 


Holy shit, the comments section here is kind of overwhelming, this game sure stirred the pot lol. Anyway. Came here to say I played and enjoyed your game. Don't listen to the haters. Keep making it. That's all I'm saying lmao.

I've found that I can engage in discussion and create a fan about 70% of the time. Most negativity is based on an assumption, and some of those are my fault for having an outdated description lol. Thanks for the kind words, and we have character voicemails in the Discord if you're interested in stuff like that!


Agreed. Fantastic game. Keep up the great work.

Thank you!

(4 edits)

Man that was such a good start to read a very captivating interesting setting concept and then i came to the part that is like "there are actual dangers to the safety of the characters like for example you got a mentally ill yandere stalker that can actually kill your loved favorite girls" which ruined the cool fantasy take on school mysterys on like "Stormside" and "The Headmaster" and made me immediatly go "well there goes my will to download and play it". All these School Mysterys always have an evil force threatening the player (which i honestly dislike like cant there be just some good school story like this one or the ones i mentioned without the physical punishment, slavery and murder mystery or other types of in-universe unconsented physical violence parts guys? Sometimes plain old sexy time is perfectly fine and all needed) sure but never really the girls. Frankly games like this dont need an Element of "Danger" or "Mystery" if you ask me. What was described in "The Setting" is an ineresting enough story in it itself. the danger Cecilia poses only just ruins it for me and makes it hard for me to go for closer relationships with other girls i like like the demon girl on the last picture or the left plant girl on the 3rd picture or that white haired dark elf (or something) girl besides the tall girl on the 6th picture or the goblin girl on the 9th picture.

So I will say that part of the description is about 4 years old, back when there were going to be stats for that kind of stuff (before my coder bailed on me and I had to learn Ren'py myself). Since then, WCA has turned into far more of a story than a game, and though yes, there are antagonists because I am an author, not a game designer, none of the love interests will ever be killed. That part was changed very early on.

That being said, it says right at the top, this is not a porn game. This is a story I'm telling that HAPPENS to have a bit of adult content in it. It's far more focused on emotionally connecting with the girls and helping them solve their problems, earning your closeness with them, than getting in and getting your rocks off. There are TONS of games like that out there. I'm trying to do something a little different. You're not playing the perfect ThunderChad McChickmagnet that automatically has everyone falling for him and instantly gets to bang whoever he wants. You're playing a real character, with a story arc of his own, with his own flaws and things he needs to overcome.

So yeah, if you're looking for just sexy time, you're gonna be disappointed. Though I do have H-scenes that are over 30 video loops long, you gotta earn 'em. And for that, you gotta be willing to put aside what you expect from a "porn game" and be prepared to engage with a story, which is what WCA is listed as.

It may not be your cup of tea. But ya won't know till you try it, will ya?

(1 edit)

well its a good thing i aint looking for ThunderChad McChickmagnet and emotionally connecting with the girls and trying to solve their problems is something i often, easily and with great joy do in the games i play (even the porn ones) so i guess i will have to give it a shot then and hope yandere stalker girl stays of the girls and love interests i emotionally connect to. That said my comment might been a indicator to consider a description update if such a great change already happened so long ago. Are all the girls in the Banner love interests that cant be killed?


Well, if that's the kind of player you are, you might find WCA enjoyable. I'm very interested to hear how you feel if you end up playing for a bit.

There are 49 total planned love interests if you include the 21 DLC characters. We're still in the early stages of Side Content (this becomes available in Season 2), which is each girl's romance route that you get to play in the Free Time system you unlock eventually. NONE of these girls will die. Slight spoiler here, but one of the girls DOES suffer an attack in Season 1 but recovers. Cecilia (the yandere stalker) is an integral part of Aurum's backstory, so she's somewhat present during Season 1 of the story. However, she ended up being such a polarizing character (half want a redemption arc, the other half want her dead) that I moved her romance route to the Secret category. In a future episode in Season 2, you the player will get to choose whether or not you ever see her again. 

WCA is built on the back of community feedback, and many voices have gone into shaping how this experience feels over the years. You're right in that I ABSOLUTELY need to update that description; for every one person who speaks up there are at least 10 who feel the same way who remain silent. That being said, there is a fair amount of emotional rollercoaster in this story, probably more than you expect from a typical adult experience you'd find here on Itch. But as a writer, I use these techniques not because I like bad things happening to the characters, but because the presence of bad things makes the good things sweeter by comparison. The shadow only serves to elevate the brightness of the light. I understand people get a little weary of tragedy and conflict in things they play with the intention of feeling good, and that's why I have my disclaimer at the top of the page. This absolutely could turn out to be everything you hate in a story like this, and if that's the case, I do apologize. I know I can't please everyone. But there's also a nonzero chance that you end up absolutely falling in love with a few of the characters and enjoying your time in WCA. 

And it's when that happens that I feel the last 4 years working on this store were worth it. Appreciate your time, and thanks for giving WCA a shot.

I will check it out today. Good to hear the girls survive i rather not repeat the disappointment and sadness of losing one of my favorite absolutly loved characters like from Final Fantasy 7 (with Jessie) or Assassins Creed Unity (with Elise) and Odyssey (with Phiobe). Its no suprise Cecilia is polarizing i myself dont want a Yandere Stalker threatening the girls so i can understand the Kill her side however she kinda reminds me of Azula from Avatar the last Airbender who is also definitly a broken but capable girl and a psycho yet i love Azula and want a redemption for her and i can see me feel the same for Cecilia. It would certainly be good to be able to have a choice to either fix her or say its not worth the effort and get rid 8f her entirely. In fact i already fell in love with a few girls from their design alone (Wither, Black Elf girl Core category end of first row, Goblin girl beginning of third row core category, Demon Girl DLC group first row third from left, dragon girl secret group third from right). As long as you dont go "Stray Incubus" and friends style and make horror (aside from the ghost girls i know are already in or planned and my (un)itentionally are scary sometimes), hell (aside from the probably hell like homeworld of the DLC demon girl, played a game once that refreshingly DIDNT depicted the demon girls as evil manipulating antagonist trying to make you a bad criminal boy who will join them punished for the sins he let them seduce him to do as their eternal playtoy in hell) and the gods as Antagonists (game was still ok though and i absolutely fell in love with the spider girl Misty so if your to do character list gets shorter i recomment this absolute lovable cuty as inspiration) the story im sure ill like it. In fact i got my own school adventure story with fantasy/mythology girls and (probably way less magical) travel between worlds however its more of a private hobby thing just in conceptual text form not really planned to ever be a book or game. Maybe it will become a public fictional world encyclopedia on World Anvil but i doubt it will go beyond that in this life.

Very rarely do I ever like to make a character "mwahaha evil because I wanna be evil." I feel that's lazy. Avatar has some of the best writing I've ever experienced in a show, and I like to lean into grey morality more often than not. There is a reason Cecilia is the way she is. It's trauma-based because of the way she lived. She is a character that is very clearly in need of professional help. And once I have the main story to the right point, the player will be able to choose to either get her professional help or to not have her in their playthrough anymore.

Druthari, our Dark Elf security officer, is another example. She has trauma-based anxiety/panic attacks with specific triggers. She's a very closed-off person whose walls take time to work through. But once she explains her past history to you, everything makes sense. I have a lot of characters like this that have emotional hangups they can't solve on their own. But I also like to flip the script and have a character who is reasonably healthy who sees the main character's hangups, and instead of you fixing her problems, she's trying to help you work through yours. 

For me, it all comes together as this wonderful living, breathing world where the characters are deeply crafted like in several of the AAA games you mentioned, these lovingly designed, complete characters that in those games, you never get to explore your connection to. I take that and I splice it with the Adult Entertainment genre, which typically has abysmal story and character depth, but DOES allow you to explore your connections to characters, physically and emotionally. What I hope for is the best of both worlds. Characters with depth, personality, and endearing nature mixed with the option to explore what that means to you in a setting where the story is rich and rewarding in its ups and downs. I like to write in a way that plays the strings of your emotions in such a way that the darkness amplifies the light.

Over the nearly 4 years I've been working on WCA, I've learned that this style is not everyone's cup of tea, and there's no mold I can fit myself into to please these people. So again, I understand if the story is a little too... dire for some? The point of making dire events happen in the story is to make people CARE. And when people CARE, the romance they experience is sweeter, because they feel they've made that difference in that character's life. That's what I'm setting out to do. Not to be a sadist and break hearts by offing someone's favorite girl. That's a big no-no in this genre lol


was doing mouse side story crimson high is my favorite vn was wondering if yall were connected in some way


Absolutely! Vertigo is actually the one who gave me his texting system and helped me fix a few things. He's been SUPER helpful to the development of WCA, and you'll even find a small nod to WCA in Crimson High, a Beanflix screen with WCA as a show on the TV during one of the scenes :)

(1 edit) (+1)

i think i remember that im waiting on the next update for Crimson high myself at the moment which is what lead to me finding world crossing academy

I get to Mouse and Blossom. They talk about Rufus. I be the type of person that wonder if dialog changes if you go back and actually name yourself Rufus. I do so. Get back to the scene to see if any dialog changes. No dialog changed. So sad. :( My guy Rufus is mad at people calling him Rufus without acknowledging his name is Rufus.


That was written before I knew anything about coding and conditional dialogue and was just writing story lol. I probably could have spent some time on it when I went back for the S1 Rework, but everyone kinda wanted that as fast as possible so we could get back to putting out new content so I decided the effect was not worth the effort. I may revisit at some point.

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm really confused, I started the game and it says story arc 1: Janitor, Story arc 2: Security. But, shortly after starting, I'm suddenly promoted to security? And it feels like I'm just missing a LOT of info. It's my first time playing. I feel like it's starting me in season 2.

Edit: Just saw I'm behind a version and this is fixed, so never mind!

(1 edit)

hi is the scene where you have to choose if it should be eshtel and chiara monogamous route or eshtel and a self monogamous route or if it should be eshtel and and a self and chiara poly route it has been removed because it has not appeared in it new edition the scene appears with where chiara gives the choice that you can choose from among them when you have to give eshtel the flower bracelet and that you could take your time choosing but the choice does not appear and it did in the first edition before rewriting of first season but aside the story that eshtel has the flower bracelet on but you never had the scene where you give it to eshtel where the choice is between the 3 choices as mentioned above and if the scene selection has not been there, how do you know if it is the poly route or the monogamous route that you are on

(1 edit)

Hi! Yes, I did move that choice. It will be in Eshtel's side story in Season 2 when you get access to Free Time. There were some continuity issues with having it in Season 1, so I thought it best to make it part of their side story. The choice will clearly tell you which route is poly and which is monogamous so you can get the route you want. There were some issues with keeping it in Season 1 as it was, so I opted to move it.

I thought I scrubbed all the images of Eshtel with the flower bracelet on, but I guess I missed a couple. May have to go back and replace a couple of renders.

(1 edit)

ok great then it wasn't me who remembered wrong I'm already looking forward to the next update and when will Eshtel's side story come because I couldn't find any side story with her in the book at free time and there are no scenes with Eshtel where she has flowers the bracelet in the scenes I saw with it was in the side story with Bloom the little fairy where she is in the infirmary at the school and there are 2 characters under Secret characters that I haven't been able to see in now but have seen the ones that are for the gargoyle and for the woman who was washed up on the beach who is afraid of one and lives in the water so I have only been able to see 2 out of 4 of the secret characters even though I have made the choices so I meet all the characters who are and could meet through choices in free time in the book

They're not implemented yet. We're working on them. You didn't miss anything if you saw the Harpy scenes, don't worry.

ok great have seen them


I'm not normally the Monster Girl type, but this is a fun ride. Love the option to skip H scenes, and the fight mini game was a blast. I've been with this game from pretty much the beginning, and the way it has evolved is fantastic! One question I have : did I somehow miss it, or did the free time for the batwing girl statue not make this build? Just curious, keep up the great work!

Hey, if you're talking about the gargoyle,  she only has one scene so far. I have more written, but I haven't shot them, scored them, or bugtested them yet. They're in the works!

I made a decision after the S1 Rework. Rather than grab 7 or 8 girls and do 1 to 2 scenes each, I'm now grabbing 3 to 4 girls and trying to dump 3 to 5 scenes each at a time. That's during side content waves. During main story waves, like this, I only added maybe 6 or 7 total scenes because I was focused on main story. There will be a poll very soon asking what you'd like to see us release next. Be sure to fill it out!

Thanks Vic, I Was just curious. I'm loving this story more with each update. One of the few "Story Rich" AVNs that actually lives up to the tag. Great work, and looking forward to whatever comes next!


Very cool game. I like that it mainly focuses on the storyline and not the lewd crap. The characters are well written, they don't just differ in hair color, eye color and boob size. Plus the music is pleasant, but the biggest advantage is that despite the small size of the game, the story is long - personally, it took me a whole week. VictorSeven, I wish you good luck and fruitful work !

Thank you so much for the kind words!


Just from a few minutes into this build, I'm smelling the "Aurum Professor Arc"... gg V7!


You'd be close! The four planned arcs are:

  • Janitor
  • Security
  • Counselor
  • Ambassador

The main base game will likely end with the Counselor arc, with the Ambassador arc as expansions. The way we planned it out, each world you'll be able to visit should have its own expansion with its own roster of love interests. I dunno how REALISTIC that vision is, but that's what I'd LIKE to do lol


Can you add a timer to nightmare mode for the fight? I enjoy challenges. 

Did I miss an option somewhere, or is the game supposed to begin in media res with Aurum speaking to the princess, her retinue, and Serafina at his home?

You have the latest release, If so, how old is your save? 

That scene is the beginning of Season 2. When I did the Season 1 Rework, that combined both games and set variables back in Season 1. So if your save is before 1.0 came out, it requires a restart. If not, you must have saved at the end of Season 1. 

I also downloaded the latest release after finishing Season 1 sometime shortly after it was released and wanted to replay it so I could remember the story is there anyway to reset the entire game? So I can replay it from the beginning?


Yes, all you have to do is hit Start and start a new game instead of Load Game :)

Welp there's a bug. A month of supporters testing it and no one caught it. Fixing soon.

(1 edit)

Fix is attached to this post. Will have up shortly as well.

(2 edits)

I imagined it was probably something odd, considering I posted that question about twenty minutes after downloading and starting that game for the first time ever.  ^.^'  Thank you for such a prompt response and bugfix!  Do I just need to download the quickfix, or should I go ahead and grab in its entirety?  Never mind - noticed the upload dates on both.  I'll just go ahead and grab  Again, thank you!

ETA: worked like a charm - I'm starting with the sweeping scene.

When you first get the book, is it supposed to be only 5 (6) unlocked or I missed/made wrong choices?

More will unlock as you progress. I added unlock tags at the ends of various updates so that way the people who had already played that far didn't miss unlocking those characters. 

Thanks, but I have come to the end of and the 2 left secret chars is locked, I don't know what option I missed.

I'll be fixing that at some point. One is the River, who isn't written yet, and the other is the Harpy, who only has the 2 scenes. Dunno why they appeared as question marks...  Also, I just dropped an entire new episode today. has Season 2 Episode 3 and a couple more side scenes!

This is a very fun story. I cant wait to see what else comes from it in the future updates. Good on you Dev.


Thank you so much! A brand new episode is on the way, too! Just hit the $10 tier on the support sites

Taegeuk form 1 to 8🤣 God, it's feels nostalgic))

By the by, those are not some form of intense exercise. Basically, taegeuk is a set of moves, intended to fit m. artist's belt, timewise up to two minutes max. Might differ here and there, in our school form 1 was studied at green belt and form 8 at brown. Black and above had their sets. As a complete set, it's focused on precision of execution, so it was hardly taxing. As for complexity of the moves, the hardest move from form 8 was two straight head kicks in one jump - which might sound scary, but it's relatively easy for a martial art so heavily focused on legs (especially for taekwondo wtf, you only use arms for blocking there).

Sorry for rambling) guess I am getting old...

Thanks for your comment!

The style being shown is Moo Duk Kwan Taekwondo. There were several ways we would practice the poomsae, one of which my master called "dynamic tension." And I assure you, that method of practice is exhausting. Especially when you're doing multiple poomsae in a row. 

That being said, I could have sworn I took out the scene where Aurum was practicing from Keumgang... Do you have an old version? Or did I mention the Taegeuk forms elsewhere?

(1 edit)

I'm at the ch 3 -4 of the first season, so rather unsure what scene you are mentioning. As for our style - traditional, I guess? You can google taegeuk Iljang for the first form of poomsae to see what we practiced.

P.S. just googled moo duk kwan taegeuk form 1 - still got iljang. Can you post a link to a video of what you practiced? Had me curious for what it worth.

Oh, the Taegeuk system I believe is used across all 9 kwans, or schools, of traditional Taekwondo after it evolved from its grandfather art, Taekkyon. From what I understand, the five original schools were: 

  • Song Moo Kwan, founded by Shotokan practitioner Ro Byung- jik in 1944
  • Chung Do Kwan, also founded by a Shotokan practitioner in 1944, Lee Won-kyuk
  • Moo Duk Kwan, founded by Hwang Kee in 1946, who had practiced Taekkyon and Tai Chi as well as some Kung Fu 
  • Chang Moo Kwan, founded in 1946 by Kung Fu practitioner Yoon Byung-in
  • Jidokwan, founded in 1946 by Chun Sang-sup, a Shotokan practitioner who trained with Yoon Byung-in so much they were called brothers.

After the Korean War, 4 more kwans were added:

  • Han Moo Kwan, Founded in August 1954 by Lee Kyo Yoon as an offshoot of the Yun Moo Kwan/Jidokwan.
  • Oh Do Kwan, Founded in 1955 by Choi Hong Hi, Nam Tae Hi, and Han Cha Kyo as an offshoot of the Chung Do Kwan.
  • Kang Duk Kwan, Founded in 1956 by Park Chul Hee and Hong Jong Pyo as an offshoot of the Kwon Bop Bu/Chang Moo Kwan.
  • Jung Do Kwan,Founded in 1956 by Lee Yong Woo (died August, 2006) as an offshoot of the Chung Do Kwan.

And then, of course, you have ITF Taekwondo, founded in 1966, which I have an extremely low opinion of. Blame Hwoarang from Tekken for this. His hands are all over the place like some braindead ballerina. Baek Doo San, also from Tekken, uses Moo Duk Kwan, and his techniques are SO much more crisp. 

Now, I could be wrong about this, but I believe all nine kwans use the Taegeuk system. So Taegeuk Iljang I THINK should be the first form you learn in any of these styles. They used to use the Palgwae forms for the colored belts in the original five kwans, but when more kwans joined the organization, they were considered deprecated and created the Taegeuk forms to better represent input from all kwans. My school still made black belts learn the Palgwae forms starting at 2nd Dan in addition to the black belt forms. 

It might be worth asking your master or anyone who might know which kwan your lineage follows!

And the scene I'm referencing was a scene when Aurum was practicing 2nd Dan Form Keumgang. That was taken out in the 1.0 version of the game. I was curious as to where I had left mention of the Taegeuk forms in the game because I thought it was in that scene, which shouldn't be in the game anymore lol

Would love to have ya in the Discord if ya have one! I'm much more responsive there. 


great story so far

Minor feedback on the moved give bracelet scene... please don't put it too far back it will start feeling out of place especially since giving it was a request by a friend


I played this maybe a few months ago and god i loved the story so much,the humour the plot the build up of relationships gradually,everything just keeps you hooked on upto the very end but the only bad thing about this game was that it ended too quickly, i completed the entire first season and found out their is a 2nd season too but back then it was in very early development,i hope we have alot of content now to play in season 2(i am a fan of your game now and i cant wait to find out where the story goes

Is this the final version?

Nope. I'm about to drop Season 2 Episode 3 in a few days here. Just bugtesting right now. We plan to keep making content for this game for years to come.

(1 edit) (-1)

Why you have This CAUTION! THIS IS NOT A PORN GAME! Because you're not going to add it I don't know I'm going to ask it and also why is no pack 2 or 4 5 7


Because I kept getting complaints from people who expected to open the game and immediately have some Chad MC who instantly started banging chicks so they'd have sex scenes to jack off to. This is more of a story than a game, and it happens to have sexual content in it. If you're here for a quick fap, WCA is not for you. There ARE sex scenes and nudity in the story, but the main point of WCA is the story, not the sex, so it takes time to get there with the girls. Lot of people didn't understand that. Now, when there ARE sex scenes, they are high effort and rather long. But you have to spend a lot of time earning them. So I decided to put a disclaimer at the top.


Pinup Pack 2 - Oops! All Goblins!

Pinup Pack 4 - Jade Bonus Pack

Pinup Pack 5 - Dancing Test Videos

Pinup Pack 7 - Feedback Form Exclusive

These are all exclusive to SubscribeStar and Patreon supporters. In addition to that, Packs 3, 6, 8, and 10 have Supporter versions that have bonus shots with more nudity in them. There's also a voicemail from Nook and a voicemail from Galka. Have to keep some of the goodies for the people who are helping me pay my rent. 

Hope that answers your question!

That pinup pack part of the story

(1 edit)

Pinup Packs are not part of the story. They're separate downloadables that are packs of high resolution images you can use for wallpapers and stuff.

(2 edits) (+2)

Why you put jumpscare in the game I'm almost throw my Android  device because I play in night time if I'm going to play daytime I'm so busy from work and something I'm going to rate this game 9 out of 10 The stories looks like eternum a little bit

Where can I find the gallery?
Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find an answer.


Hey, we had to take the gallery out because it kept breaking the game. The guy who coded the gallery left the project for college so it's been abandoned ever since. 


Haven't played since February and glad to see you changed it to a single entity, instead of a separate download where it seemed that none of the choices made in the 1st part mattered. However, I'm hoping you didn't change too much since then, as I really liked the Yandere aspect, and also River is a cutie.


I look forward to hearing how you feel about the new version after ya replay it! Cecilia and River are still very much in the game, but they've been shifted so that you have to opt-in to their content instead of it being there by default. Now it's all forward momentum and new content from here on out! Exciting new things coming very, very soon!




Every love interest is aged 18 and over, right? I'm sorry to ask, but these days can be...Questionable to say the least.

Yes, Patreon requires all characters to be consenting non-related adults, even in works of fiction. However, this game does contain some fantasy races that I would consider "petite," and if you don't like those types of characters, you can choose to avoid their romance routes. The power is in the hands of the player. You'll make a lot of friends and have a lot of interactions in a friendship capacity, but you have to physically opt-in to any romance routes starting in Season 2. 

I understand countries like Australia can be especially touchy about stuff like this, so I made sure any explicit scenes with characters like these were opt-in only, and every main story H-scene in Season 1 was made fully skippable/declinable.


Thank you.

Once again, I'm sorry for asking.


No worries! I got no problems with people clarifying what content is and isn't in the game. Can't tell you how many times I've had to tell people there will never be NTR in the game. And there's almost universally a sigh of relief lmao


god i love this game, cant wait  for more. more yandere plzz!


Haha thank you so much! This story wouldn't be anything without people like you and your encouraging words. Don't worry, more Cecilia is coming for those that like her. Feel free to pop into the Discord! 


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