DEV. I love your VN and I like where the story is going. This is definitely NOT a porn game. I hope you pay no mind to what that person says and just keep doing what you're doing. Anyways please tell me the name of the music that plays when you have free time AND MY LIFE IS YOURS
Thank you so much for the kind words! Most of the music I use was licensed from WOWSound, with a few exceptions. The track that plays during Free Time is called The Beginning of Time, in the Anime Romantic pack :)
Hi Dev love your story. This game would be considered to be a Visual Novel with Adult content. Please don’t respond to any post that wishes to argue with you. First reason you don’t know what state of mind that person is in. Second reason you don’t know how far they will take the argument. Learn from my mistake I was a mod and I made a player mad they hacked me and stalked me online a few years ago. It was a pain to clean the mess up they caused and I was not able to do anything about that person because they weren’t even from the same country. So please be careful. Take Care ;)
No, it's not. A "porn game," according to all the people who complained when I used to call this a porn game, is something that revolves around the sexual content, where the "story" is thinly veiled excuses to move to the next sex scene. These games typically have a ton of sexual content, letting you experience sexual content consistently and frequently.
Being called a "porn game" in the past has led people to a lot of false assumptions based on that trope. People coming in expecting a quick fap game will be very disappointed, because this is a long story whose sexual content is spread out and takes a while to earn. That's why I make the distinction, because of past complaints that the game "isn't a porn game if you can't fap within the first 10 minutes" lol. So it is a story that happens to have sexual content in it. Now nobody can bitch when there's not something they can fap to within the first 10 minutes because I warned them in the description.
Story and gameplay-based porn games exist dude. You ever heard of/played titles such as True Love ~Jun'ai Monogatari~, 3 Sisters' Story, Kamidori or Utawarerumono?
I understand why you don't want to classify this as a "porn game", because then you get a bunch of idiot coomers who don't understand nuance complaining about being mislead, but that doesn't change the fact that this would be classified as a porn game by most definitions, including mine. On top of that, I've literally played these kinda things for the past 26 years. Not trying to brag or anything, but I'm kind of an expert on this topic. Can you say the same?
No? BG3 is just an rpg that happens to have sex scenes in it. Trying to put words in my mouth isn't going to work, because anybody actually capable of critical thinking can clearly see I never said such a thing. These are your words, not mine. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
Also, nobody is impressed by you upvoting your own comments. It shows you're super insecure and don't have any confidence in your own poorly constructed, bad faith arguments. Bad faith arguments, might I add, that are completely invalid because you don't actually argue any points, you just commit logical fallacies like ad hominems and the like. An insult isn't an argument.
Also, what flex? No one is flexing. Making an accurate statement about one's experience and expertise in a subject isn't a "flex". Let me put it this way: who do you think knows more about medicine, someone who went to med school and has been a doctor for several decades, or a teenager with a high school education, and whose only employment is flipping burgers at McDonalds?
Gooner? Hate to tell you this bud, but I've spent most of the past 20-some odd years being too depressed to even have a sex drive. Care to keep making a complete fool out of yourself with more out of pocket assumptions?
There's a name for this pattern of behavior you're exhibiting: it's called textbook projection. Maybe do yourself a favor and look it up. Seriously dude, nobody cares if you play crappy porn games, least of all me. You don't have to try way too hard to prove yourself.
Last but not least, you're acting like I just made a grave personal insult against you, when this literally has nothing to do with you. You just came out of nowhere and started attacking me for literally no reason. You clearly have a serious mental health problem of some sort, because this is not normal behavior. You need to spend less time on the internet aggravating said problem and more time in therapy fixing it. As someone who used to do the same thing you're doing right now for the same reason, this is incredibly unhealthy.
And this is a story that happens to have sex scenes in it.
I'm so confused. To date, you're the only person who's complained about the semantics of not calling it a porn game in the nearly 4 years this story has been available to the public. What did you expect to come of this conversation? Did you expect me to change the categorization for one person? One person who, at this point, probably won't even play WCA? What was your goal? What do you gain from this, other than to be the Well Actually Guy? Does that make you happy? Did you expect to come in here and wave your dick around and intimidate me into... what, deleting the disclaimer? Do you get something from that? 'cause I am genuinely confused as to what compelled you to make such a big deal in a public comment section over (checks notes) a word. If you wanna categorize it as a porn game in your mind, go for it. There's nothing stopping you. Just like there's nothing stopping me from deciding to call it a porn game, a story with sexual content, or a downloadable catholic guilt simulator. If your personal definitions help you sort out what you wanna play and what you don't, fantastic. But you're not gonna force your definitions on anyone else, anymore than any of the NTR criers are gonna force me to call this an NTR game because you will eventually have the OPTION of sharing one of the girls with a lesbian character in a polycule.
26 years of playing porn games. That's impressive. Very respectable consumer experience. But how many have you written? How many books have you published? How many communities have you created and led? How many projects have you been involved in the creation of that relied on community feedback to improve your product? Have you ever been on the other side of the proverbial counter and experienced the position I'm in as a community manager and creator? Somebody who has to weigh community feedback by volume and severity and decide what to change and what not?
That experience is what leads me to balance my decision between one person who, at least to my perception, seems only interested in arguing semantics, over a several tens of people whose gameplay experience was actually adversely affected because the advertising led them to believe it was something it's not. It's a numbers game. For a game developer, or a creator of ANYTHING, really, that can be a cascading effect, potentially resulting in bad reviews that would, in turn, cause other people reading reviews to potentially go "oh, ew," and not play the game. That causes real, tangible damage to the game. One person complaining that I attempted to mitigate that disappointment so that people who were looking for quick fap games would know this isn't the game for them in order to avoid real damage to the game... think about that logically. I put in a disclaimer because people were being adversely affected. For most of this game's life, it has not had nearly the volume of sexual content as most porn games do, and that's only been changing recently. Deleting that disclaimer for one single person just... makes no sense. On top of that, some of the people who initially came looking for that type of game are now paid supporters of the game, and prefer the disclaimer because it sets the game apart from your typical quick fap game. Why on Earth would I change something that even the paying people support for one person, who is not paying, and who at this point will likely never even download and experience WCA? Use your critical thinking for even half a second and you'll see why that's such a bad idea. If I instantly bowed and scraped and "yessir'd" and changed the game every single time a person came at me with an isolated opinion, this project would be an utter mess.
Bottom line, unless I get a bunch more people saying the same, I'm not deleting the disclaimer. Maybe it would be better worded as "THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL PORN GAME" or "THIS IS NOT A QUICK FAP GAME" to better drive my point home. But honestly, I don't really understand what you're after here, or what you thought the result of this conversation was gonna be when you started it, other than making yourself look like an elitist, and you know how much people love elitists. But if this made ya feel better, ey, more power to ya. I can't claim to understand what makes people tick. You do you, I'll do me, and if a single disclaimer ruins an entire game for you, I... really don't know what to tell ya, bud. Coming in here and waving your dick around isn't gonna intimidate me into deleting something that helps people decide whether or not WCA is for them. True, I haven't been consuming adult games for 26 years. Congrats. That's impressive. I've been writing for 25 years, leading online communities for 12, and creating AVNs specifically for 4. Can you say the same?
Hit the View All By VictorSeven button in the top right or just go to my profile. The only thing that's publicly available is the H-Gallery add-on, and we have 1 character in Early Access for T4 supporters and above, but it'll be made available to the public when it's finished.
Hey all. So far, so good. I am currently playing into chapter 4, but I am very bad a choice games. I get very frustrated when I get tired. Is there a walkthrough for the "Choises" Yet? Is it on Patreon or Discord? Thanks.
Yeah you can pop into the Discord and I can help ya out. Lemme know which Trial you're stuck on. It seems you're not the only one who isn't having fun with the Trials, so I'm thinking of adding a Cinematic/Walkthrough mode that highlights the right choices for you.
The #wca-questions channel would be the right one :)
Ah. I think I found it. I had another coder help me with a couple of things, and he inserted a name command in the beginning of Wither B and E. I've commented them out and they'll be fixed next patch. Thank you!
Thank you so much! There's a lot of discussion in the Discord and we're very responsive there, if you feel like joining. Also do DLC giveaways here and there :
loved the new parts so as to not spoil things at one point i shouted kamahamaha. short but loving it . i very much enjoy stuff with wither,(and want to see much more of her), but i hope all the girls get equal time and development
Glad you like it! Sound and music design is super important to me. You'll hear the music evolve over the course of the story as I come into possession of more and more music packs, and include some sneaky references and easter eggs here and there as well :P
I dedicate an entire development step to scoring a scene, so the fact that it's noticed is appreciated!
Played it some, and so far it seems nice. Not gotten far yet but it is promising. I however cannot open the replay gallery, i just get an error and then sent to a new game.
I like checking how many i've unlocked so far compared to how many there are, but not able to do that which makes me alittle sad.
Hmm that means a blank FantasiesCollection.rpa may have still made it into the files. The replay gallery is a paid DLC feature so the standard version shouldn't have it. I'll have to check the files and see where the issue is.
You will, however, be able to see which girls you're unlocking once you get partway into Season 2 and gain access to the Free Time system :)
Alright, I'm now confused lol. I just unpacked the version of the game, and I'm not seeing a "Replay Gallery" button anywhere. The only button should be "Fantasies Collection," and that should be in the main menu without the game running, and only if the DLC was purchased and added to the game. Where are you seeing a "Replay Gallery" button? Are you on version Or do you have the current free version?
I am on as i have not paid for your game and only trying out the free version. But i see it here. I find it in options menu, but not when i am just at the start screen or going to save the game.
Ahh that must be before I did the fix, then. Should be fine in Look in the Game folder for a file called FantasiesCollection.rpa. Should be 0KB. Delete it if you have it and that button shouldn't show up anymore.
i've played for the 1st frew chapters (i'm on the infirmary part now) and when i tried to open the gallery it gives an error, is it supposed to only work after we get farther into the story? is it a paid thing? (i saw you have another app for that) ... or is it a bug?
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_menu.rpy", line 117, in __call__
raise Exception("%r is not a screen or a label." % orig_screen)
Exception: u'replay_gallery' is not a screen or a label.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
Yeah that version shipped with an empty FantasiesCollection.rpa file in the Game folder. That's a paid feature and the presence of the RPA unlocks it, but without any data in the RPA it doesn't work. That's fixed in, which also includes a whole new Main Story episode.
Here's Rukah and Wither, one of our Dryad characters.
Is it Orcs specifically that you're looking for, or do you like muscular girls in general? 'cause we have more of those that aren't Orcs. For instance, here's Galka, our goliath character:
i seem to be missing 1 core character and 2 secret characters, need help on how i have to unlock them the core is the one next to galka, and the the 2 secret charaters to the left are missing, i got the 2 to the right
Hey, the 2 leftmost Secret characters don't have any content yet. They're waiting on some main story stuff but I had to make sure to put the unlock flags in when you made the choices that included them in your game.
The ones on the left or right of Galka are also waiting on Main Story stuff, so I think you got everything! I may have thrown unlock flags in to prepare them for future patches. Sorry for the confusion :
For joiplay players, the game seems to function if you change edit the game type to renpy (python2). That's using the current up to date version of joiplay+add-ons.
Hey! Thanks for the kind words. I'll be pushing an update soon that smooths out some of the admittedly rough first few episodes of the game and also adds DLC and Fantasies Collection functionality, as well as QoL updates like the ability to turn off the jumpscares.
The T1 limit thing is an old holdover that I completely forgot about. Lemme revisit that lol
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'll sign up for SS once I'm done here then lol
That first jump-scare got me real good, despite how clearly telegraphed it was xD wasn't the worst though, I won't complain about having more options. I think I'll sit on the game for now, till ya drop that update, so I get a better first experience ^v^
So far I have met the gobbos, things have been pretty smooth. The stalker vibe is really intense, the dream sequence really clinched the fear we should have about her. Great stuff.
On - i.e. current free version. Overall impression is good, though some feedback/criticism from a new player PoV:
You've got a few issues with the plotlines which I presume is due to rewrites - some stuff is explained twice. So far I'm seeing Mrs. Clements - there's stuff the first time you bring Ember paperwork where Ember makes comments about judges and witness protection that's not actually remembered later when Ember actually puts things together. Second one is Gilly's backstory - the MC forgets that Chiara asked the "Do you know her surname/parents" earlier when it's mentioned a second time and fully explained - first time she just said something like 'it's not my place to tell you'. Then, later, Gillie explains things again. I suspect that the second time (Chiara telling you) is a remnant of changes. Third one is Druthari where, during free play at MC's house she explains that there was a betrayal and ogres, and then the next one the MC doesn't prompt/seem to remember at all about it when we get more backstory. Could probably do with a change to the MC's text to "ah, about the betrayal..." or something like that?
Overall, very ambitious number of girls. A variety of bodies and kinks, though a bit lacking in chubby/fat girls so far. I have a few worries regarding characters dropping off plotwise for a while - with that many chars you just can't see them all frequently. Possibly locking the freeroam content behind a bit more main quest could alleviate that? Also feels weird immediately unlocking freeroam and just... dumping into 4 scenes with one char. I'm thinking something like unlock first two on the first freeroam, second two on the second, or so, if there's two freeroams of that time period in the episode? Maybe this isn't feasible until the season is finished, but probably should be born in mind.
Lastly, ghost/mirror girl feels... left out. Appears early, then disappears and isn't thought about by MC until appearing in E4? Feels like she could do with some explanation or worry from MC, as by then she's not just appearing to warn of deaths (appears during cellar/lab scene before... nothing). This may be a consequence of the high number of main girls and fitting everything in. May also flow better when she reappears.
Yeah, the double-explains were pointed out and need to be shored up. Even though Season 1 got a rework, it's still in need of some heavy polishing. The early renders are garbage and as the story progresses, I become less and less happy with the writing.
As far as the girls go... Are you still playing the build, or have you finished it? I don't wanna say too much because of spoilers, but I went with a very Something For Everyone approach. I don't cover quite everything, but there are a couple of thicker girls like Kanako and Saffryn in there.
And as far as Kageshini goes, the next patch is a Main Story patch that features her VERY heavily. I'd love to have all the girls get some spotlight on a rotation, but I also have to consider what makes sense in the story, and given her limitations, I felt it was better to leave her more of a mystery for now until you actually get to meet her face-to-face.
Again thanks for the feedback! Making notes on the double-explains so I can go back and shore those up.
Pinup Packs are just special folders full of HD images of the girls, since people want to see more of them and ask for more constantly. You can use them as wallpapers or banners or whatever you like. They don't affect the game or get installed into the game at all.
enjoyed the recent update and all the side quests. sad no main story. also mc should at one point soon mention ghillies family connection or seemed connection to clements. looking forward to more main and side stories loved the wither stuff ,hope to see more druthari and all the elves and goblins. i always get emotional play this game and crimson high
This was really good, except for one detail that makes me feel like the MC isn't as great as he gets talked up to be by both himself and the security team. You'd think he would have mentioned the coincidence of Gillie's family and Ms.Clements family in the several times those events and their timelines were mentioned if they were as good at seeing details as they claimed to be. Even if they aren't actually connected in the story, it was a very obvious coincidence that any halfway intelligent lifeform would have noticed right away.
Mystery is a very tough subgenre to write. You have to balance the intrigue of what's going on but also leave room for the reader to come to the conclusions, because the draw of mystery is figuring things out before they're directly stated in the work. I should probably mention I don't specialize in mystery, so the gaps I left in characters mentioning things so that the reader could put the pieces together without being outright TOLD what the answer is may not have presented as well as I'd hoped. Most of my experience is in the Fantasy genre for my 24 years of writing experience, and though I've been a professional Dungeon Master before and have run plenty of tabletop games over the past 6 years, writing a mystery for tabletop players and for an AVN like this are two very different things.
What I was HOPING to do was set up all the details and let YOU, the player, connect the dots before they came together in the story. If that made Aurum seem a little dumb or oblivious, I suppose that's a side effect of leaving that sort of room for the player. In having had many, many different TRPG players, readers of my series, and players of WCA, I've learned that everyone figures things out at a different pace, if at all in some cases. Someone like you, cursed with a fast pace, is going to figure things out much quicker than someone who takes a while to connect the dots. And I can't write for only one type of reader, so I did what I felt would make sense to the majority of readers.
That being said, hope you enjoy the rest of the game :) I do appreciate the feedback, as it will help inform how I do things in the future.
That's a fair way to describe the difference in players, I probably wouldn't have even brought it up if the MC wasn't so hyped up on noticing things tbh.
That said, I did really enjoy the story and look forward to the rest. Your TTRPG experience shows and this gave me a good replacement for the week my group couldn't get together(always seems to happen when we are just a few sessions shy of the end too)
Appreciate the kind words. I hope my logic sort of makes sense.
I feel you on the scheduling thing. Dunno if you watch TTRPG content, but I do have an ongoing game that's preserved in my Twitch Collections if ever ya want something extra to watch.
So, most older security radios, including the ones I've worked with, have attachments you can put on them such as lapel mics/parrots or sleeve/earpiece attachments. They still require the base unit to function. What I'm trying to sell here is that there is the base unit on his waist and he's got it hooked up to a sleeve mic. Unfortunately, Ai Shoujo doesn't have any really good cord attachments (or didn't at the time) so I didn't bother trying to show the attached "cord." You'll find I did the same with Galka and selling the illusion of a parrot/lapel mic.
No, and I don't think that's a kink I'll be adding for a few reasons, one of which being the science of the worlds. Most species' biology isn't compatible with human biology. So if that's a kink you're looking for, sorry to disappoint, but no plans to add pregnancy thus far.
WCA is a lot more about the story and the emotional connection than the kinks, though, so if you're hunting for a specific kink or fetish, there are way better games for that. If you're looking for story depth and emotional tension, where intimacy really means something, that's more in line with what WCA is about. Yes, we do explore certain kinks, but I find it hard to include things like pregnancy because it's something I'm not into, and writing something you have no love of can really feel cheap and do it a disservice to those who DO like it. And I don't wanna do that with something that someone loves.
yea, though my thoughts on the pregnancy is not much of a kink, i would say it's a way of life to cross the bridge with someone you love and to boost their confidences to make them feel loved and the meaning behind it, it's only natural to give the one you love a world that you can share that love with through thick and thin.
That's a really good explanation, and I can sort of see what you mean when you say it that way. I'm still tossing around the idea of individual ending scenes for each girl when you complete her side story, but being a harem story, I'm not sure how well that'll work. And I still may be the wrong person to write it, as someone who is never having kids. But I do appreciate your explanation and perspective.
I gotta say you have one hell of a game here! Extremely well made with a great story. One of the very few vn were i did not mind the slow burn at all. I do have to ask one thing though, as I played through the android version I seen on the comment here that there is 49 characters story's to go through and I barely have 20 ish. How do I get the dlc and some of the extra characters or are they only in the pc version?
Hey! The 1.0 release saw the Season 1 Rework, completion of Season 1, and finalizing of backend systems so there will be no more restarts.
We're currently on Season 2, and a lot of content is still being made. None of the DLC characters have been released to supporters or public yet, and only about half of the Core cast even has side story scenes. A lot of the content is still being made. We will have a side content patch out within the next couple of months that will bring 4 girls up to a total of 5 side scenes each. After that, there will be a main story patch.
Thanks for the kind words! We have a wonderful Discord community, and you're welcome to join!
Is it finally time to download the update and start a fresh save to see what all has changed and what new content there is? *looks at last progress report* 2 days ago... good news... aight, I wait a little bit longer then! Lol
Hey! Since the 1.0 release, all backend systems have been finalized. If your last save was in the beta version (0.*.*.*), this is the last time you'll have to restart. If your save was from a version after 1.0, you won't have to restart at all.
The story is currently on Season 2 Episode 3, and the next update will be a side content wave featuring 4 girls and a surprise scene from a secret 5th :
Main story will be updated in the patch following to Season 2 Episode 4.
yep, read the most recent lil progress log you posted which is why I said I will wait for the next update to start over. I had already seen others bring up save issues and your reply about having to start a new save, and since I last played when this was 2 separate "games" I will most definitely have to restart lol. Which is still good, I get to see if anything has changed then I get to see what you have added :D
Hello VictorSeven! First I would like to say that I love your VN,and I always look forward to each update! I have a little problem though, now maybe I missed something or i have to be subscribed to something, but the (Free time feature) will not work for me. Every time I click on the book I get an error message. Is there something I'm doing wrong that I can't access it? I know you are a busy guy, but I would really appreciate it if you could possibly tell me how to fix the issue when you have the time.
Again I love your story and all of its characters! And I want to enjoy all the rest of what it has to offer and your hard work in bringing it to us!
Hey! I have a Known Issues section in the Discord, and if this is the error I think it is, this may be what you're looking for. Also thank you for the kind words!
Of course! Feel free to join the Discord; it's got the Known Issues section, a Bugs and Typos section where you can post errors you find, and even some exclusive content like voicemails from a couple of the characters :)
gotta ask... when hanging out with Mouse for the first time in "free time" she mentions a show called 'Crimson High' Is that a game that is playable or something that was really well made up
The funny thing about this game is there isnt ENOUGH story for me lol. I kept thinking I was about to get the juicy goblin lore or elf lore and all I got were these damn sex scenes! Lol, but for real, where the game starts and where it ends up is so shocking in retrospect. I was expecting monster harem and got bizarre cross-dimensional violent drama. If I had to nitpick, you spent WAY more time talking about radio short hand than was necessary, like for real I felt like I actually got a job as a security guard and I was gonna be tested on the information at the end haha. Minor Spoiler: Idk if you originally planned on the goblins being basically the main characters but I'm glad you went that route. In fact I feel like if the game has a lesson it's that looks are often deceiving, which is a really refreshing way to introduce a bunch of well-known fantasy races
Lot of this comes from my own experience, and I really wanted the player to be immersed, so I based a lot of things in reality but gave them a fantasy twist. Enough familiar to be comfortable, enough different to feel that joy of discovery.
As for the goblins, they're probably my crowning achievement. I'm a very Against Type writer, so I like to take common tropes and expectations and turn them on their heads. I wanted to take a characteristically "ugly" race and see if I could make them cute without losing what made them goblins. I was tired of the short fugly ones and I was tired of just "green humans" being called goblins, so I wanted to redefine what a goblin love interest could look like. Quite proud of them... so I had to make more lol
Vic just wanted to say you got rockstar status at our home. my girl and I reread then discuss everything thats changed and our thoughts on whats to come.
Brother I'm so happy WCA is something you can share with your girl. Most people would feel compelled to hide the fact that they play games like this, but the story is the point, not the sex. Ya made my day.
I am really liking this game. I started all over just to change my name to Rufus. Idk why but them saying the same thing about it made me laugh way harder than I care to admit lol.
I have 24 years of writing experience and do professional book coaching on the side, and STILL Kojima regularly makes me look like an idiot by comparison. The man's writing is on another level.
1.3 added the entire main story Season 2 Episode 3, as well as 1 more secret character and a few side story scenes. Make sure you have
Also if your save is from one of the beta versions (before July, version 0.x.x.x), be advised your save won't work with the full release version (version 1.0+). If you have a beta save, due to finalizing backend systems, you'll have to start over one last time. Thankfully, because this is the full release, there will be no more restarts, as backend systems have been finalized and there should be no new system critical variables.
Holy shit, the comments section here is kind of overwhelming, this game sure stirred the pot lol. Anyway. Came here to say I played and enjoyed your game. Don't listen to the haters. Keep making it. That's all I'm saying lmao.
I've found that I can engage in discussion and create a fan about 70% of the time. Most negativity is based on an assumption, and some of those are my fault for having an outdated description lol. Thanks for the kind words, and we have character voicemails in the Discord if you're interested in stuff like that!
Man that was such a good start to read a very captivating interesting setting concept and then i came to the part that is like "there are actual dangers to the safety of the characters like for example you got a mentally ill yandere stalker that can actually kill your loved favorite girls" which ruined the cool fantasy take on school mysterys on like "Stormside" and "The Headmaster" and made me immediatly go "well there goes my will to download and play it". All these School Mysterys always have an evil force threatening the player (which i honestly dislike like cant there be just some good school story like this one or the ones i mentioned without the physical punishment, slavery and murder mystery or other types of in-universe unconsented physical violence parts guys? Sometimes plain old sexy time is perfectly fine and all needed) sure but never really the girls. Frankly games like this dont need an Element of "Danger" or "Mystery" if you ask me. What was described in "The Setting" is an ineresting enough story in it itself. the danger Cecilia poses only just ruins it for me and makes it hard for me to go for closer relationships with other girls i like like the demon girl on the last picture or the left plant girl on the 3rd picture or that white haired dark elf (or something) girl besides the tall girl on the 6th picture or the goblin girl on the 9th picture.
So I will say that part of the description is about 4 years old, back when there were going to be stats for that kind of stuff (before my coder bailed on me and I had to learn Ren'py myself). Since then, WCA has turned into far more of a story than a game, and though yes, there are antagonists because I am an author, not a game designer, none of the love interests will ever be killed. That part was changed very early on.
That being said, it says right at the top, this is not a porn game. This is a story I'm telling that HAPPENS to have a bit of adult content in it. It's far more focused on emotionally connecting with the girls and helping them solve their problems, earning your closeness with them, than getting in and getting your rocks off. There are TONS of games like that out there. I'm trying to do something a little different. You're not playing the perfect ThunderChad McChickmagnet that automatically has everyone falling for him and instantly gets to bang whoever he wants. You're playing a real character, with a story arc of his own, with his own flaws and things he needs to overcome.
So yeah, if you're looking for just sexy time, you're gonna be disappointed. Though I do have H-scenes that are over 30 video loops long, you gotta earn 'em. And for that, you gotta be willing to put aside what you expect from a "porn game" and be prepared to engage with a story, which is what WCA is listed as.
It may not be your cup of tea. But ya won't know till you try it, will ya?
well its a good thing i aint looking for ThunderChad McChickmagnet and emotionally connecting with the girls and trying to solve their problems is something i often, easily and with great joy do in the games i play (even the porn ones) so i guess i will have to give it a shot then and hope yandere stalker girl stays of the girls and love interests i emotionally connect to. That said my comment might been a indicator to consider a description update if such a great change already happened so long ago. Are all the girls in the Banner love interests that cant be killed?
Well, if that's the kind of player you are, you might find WCA enjoyable. I'm very interested to hear how you feel if you end up playing for a bit.
There are 49 total planned love interests if you include the 21 DLC characters. We're still in the early stages of Side Content (this becomes available in Season 2), which is each girl's romance route that you get to play in the Free Time system you unlock eventually. NONE of these girls will die. Slight spoiler here, but one of the girls DOES suffer an attack in Season 1 but recovers. Cecilia (the yandere stalker) is an integral part of Aurum's backstory, so she's somewhat present during Season 1 of the story. However, she ended up being such a polarizing character (half want a redemption arc, the other half want her dead) that I moved her romance route to the Secret category. In a future episode in Season 2, you the player will get to choose whether or not you ever see her again.
WCA is built on the back of community feedback, and many voices have gone into shaping how this experience feels over the years. You're right in that I ABSOLUTELY need to update that description; for every one person who speaks up there are at least 10 who feel the same way who remain silent. That being said, there is a fair amount of emotional rollercoaster in this story, probably more than you expect from a typical adult experience you'd find here on Itch. But as a writer, I use these techniques not because I like bad things happening to the characters, but because the presence of bad things makes the good things sweeter by comparison. The shadow only serves to elevate the brightness of the light. I understand people get a little weary of tragedy and conflict in things they play with the intention of feeling good, and that's why I have my disclaimer at the top of the page. This absolutely could turn out to be everything you hate in a story like this, and if that's the case, I do apologize. I know I can't please everyone. But there's also a nonzero chance that you end up absolutely falling in love with a few of the characters and enjoying your time in WCA.
And it's when that happens that I feel the last 4 years working on this store were worth it. Appreciate your time, and thanks for giving WCA a shot.
I will check it out today. Good to hear the girls survive i rather not repeat the disappointment and sadness of losing one of my favorite absolutly loved characters like from Final Fantasy 7 (with Jessie) or Assassins Creed Unity (with Elise) and Odyssey (with Phiobe). Its no suprise Cecilia is polarizing i myself dont want a Yandere Stalker threatening the girls so i can understand the Kill her side however she kinda reminds me of Azula from Avatar the last Airbender who is also definitly a broken but capable girl and a psycho yet i love Azula and want a redemption for her and i can see me feel the same for Cecilia. It would certainly be good to be able to have a choice to either fix her or say its not worth the effort and get rid 8f her entirely. In fact i already fell in love with a few girls from their design alone (Wither, Black Elf girl Core category end of first row, Goblin girl beginning of third row core category, Demon Girl DLC group first row third from left, dragon girl secret group third from right). As long as you dont go "Stray Incubus" and friends style and make horror (aside from the ghost girls i know are already in or planned and my (un)itentionally are scary sometimes), hell (aside from the probably hell like homeworld of the DLC demon girl, played a game once that refreshingly DIDNT depicted the demon girls as evil manipulating antagonist trying to make you a bad criminal boy who will join them punished for the sins he let them seduce him to do as their eternal playtoy in hell) and the gods as Antagonists (game was still ok though and i absolutely fell in love with the spider girl Misty so if your to do character list gets shorter i recomment this absolute lovable cuty as inspiration) the story im sure ill like it. In fact i got my own school adventure story with fantasy/mythology girls and (probably way less magical) travel between worlds however its more of a private hobby thing just in conceptual text form not really planned to ever be a book or game. Maybe it will become a public fictional world encyclopedia on World Anvil but i doubt it will go beyond that in this life.
Very rarely do I ever like to make a character "mwahaha evil because I wanna be evil." I feel that's lazy. Avatar has some of the best writing I've ever experienced in a show, and I like to lean into grey morality more often than not. There is a reason Cecilia is the way she is. It's trauma-based because of the way she lived. She is a character that is very clearly in need of professional help. And once I have the main story to the right point, the player will be able to choose to either get her professional help or to not have her in their playthrough anymore.
Druthari, our Dark Elf security officer, is another example. She has trauma-based anxiety/panic attacks with specific triggers. She's a very closed-off person whose walls take time to work through. But once she explains her past history to you, everything makes sense. I have a lot of characters like this that have emotional hangups they can't solve on their own. But I also like to flip the script and have a character who is reasonably healthy who sees the main character's hangups, and instead of you fixing her problems, she's trying to help you work through yours.
For me, it all comes together as this wonderful living, breathing world where the characters are deeply crafted like in several of the AAA games you mentioned, these lovingly designed, complete characters that in those games, you never get to explore your connection to. I take that and I splice it with the Adult Entertainment genre, which typically has abysmal story and character depth, but DOES allow you to explore your connections to characters, physically and emotionally. What I hope for is the best of both worlds. Characters with depth, personality, and endearing nature mixed with the option to explore what that means to you in a setting where the story is rich and rewarding in its ups and downs. I like to write in a way that plays the strings of your emotions in such a way that the darkness amplifies the light.
Over the nearly 4 years I've been working on WCA, I've learned that this style is not everyone's cup of tea, and there's no mold I can fit myself into to please these people. So again, I understand if the story is a little too... dire for some? The point of making dire events happen in the story is to make people CARE. And when people CARE, the romance they experience is sweeter, because they feel they've made that difference in that character's life. That's what I'm setting out to do. Not to be a sadist and break hearts by offing someone's favorite girl. That's a big no-no in this genre lol
Absolutely! Vertigo is actually the one who gave me his texting system and helped me fix a few things. He's been SUPER helpful to the development of WCA, and you'll even find a small nod to WCA in Crimson High, a Beanflix screen with WCA as a show on the TV during one of the scenes :)
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DEV. I love your VN and I like where the story is going. This is definitely NOT a porn game. I hope you pay no mind to what that person says and just keep doing what you're doing. Anyways please tell me the name of the music that plays when you have free time AND MY LIFE IS YOURS
Thank you so much for the kind words! Most of the music I use was licensed from WOWSound, with a few exceptions. The track that plays during Free Time is called The Beginning of Time, in the Anime Romantic pack :)
Hi Dev love your story. This game would be considered to be a Visual Novel with Adult content. Please don’t respond to any post that wishes to argue with you. First reason you don’t know what state of mind that person is in. Second reason you don’t know how far they will take the argument. Learn from my mistake I was a mod and I made a player mad they hacked me and stalked me online a few years ago. It was a pain to clean the mess up they caused and I was not able to do anything about that person because they weren’t even from the same country. So please be careful. Take Care ;)
Thank you for the kind words.
"the sexual content"
So in other words it is a porn game.
No, it's not. A "porn game," according to all the people who complained when I used to call this a porn game, is something that revolves around the sexual content, where the "story" is thinly veiled excuses to move to the next sex scene. These games typically have a ton of sexual content, letting you experience sexual content consistently and frequently.
Being called a "porn game" in the past has led people to a lot of false assumptions based on that trope. People coming in expecting a quick fap game will be very disappointed, because this is a long story whose sexual content is spread out and takes a while to earn. That's why I make the distinction, because of past complaints that the game "isn't a porn game if you can't fap within the first 10 minutes" lol. So it is a story that happens to have sexual content in it. Now nobody can bitch when there's not something they can fap to within the first 10 minutes because I warned them in the description.
Story and gameplay-based porn games exist dude. You ever heard of/played titles such as True Love ~Jun'ai Monogatari~, 3 Sisters' Story, Kamidori or Utawarerumono?
I understand why you don't want to classify this as a "porn game", because then you get a bunch of idiot coomers who don't understand nuance complaining about being mislead, but that doesn't change the fact that this would be classified as a porn game by most definitions, including mine. On top of that, I've literally played these kinda things for the past 26 years. Not trying to brag or anything, but I'm kind of an expert on this topic. Can you say the same?
26 years and you're still this narrow minded, lmao. By your definition, Baldur's Gate 3 is a porn game because "uh oh, sex scenes!"
Why are you acting like it's a flex that you've been a gooner for that long? Nobody is impressed.
No? BG3 is just an rpg that happens to have sex scenes in it. Trying to put words in my mouth isn't going to work, because anybody actually capable of critical thinking can clearly see I never said such a thing. These are your words, not mine. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
Also, nobody is impressed by you upvoting your own comments. It shows you're super insecure and don't have any confidence in your own poorly constructed, bad faith arguments. Bad faith arguments, might I add, that are completely invalid because you don't actually argue any points, you just commit logical fallacies like ad hominems and the like. An insult isn't an argument.
Also, what flex? No one is flexing. Making an accurate statement about one's experience and expertise in a subject isn't a "flex". Let me put it this way: who do you think knows more about medicine, someone who went to med school and has been a doctor for several decades, or a teenager with a high school education, and whose only employment is flipping burgers at McDonalds?
Gooner? Hate to tell you this bud, but I've spent most of the past 20-some odd years being too depressed to even have a sex drive. Care to keep making a complete fool out of yourself with more out of pocket assumptions?
There's a name for this pattern of behavior you're exhibiting: it's called textbook projection. Maybe do yourself a favor and look it up. Seriously dude, nobody cares if you play crappy porn games, least of all me. You don't have to try way too hard to prove yourself.
Last but not least, you're acting like I just made a grave personal insult against you, when this literally has nothing to do with you. You just came out of nowhere and started attacking me for literally no reason. You clearly have a serious mental health problem of some sort, because this is not normal behavior. You need to spend less time on the internet aggravating said problem and more time in therapy fixing it. As someone who used to do the same thing you're doing right now for the same reason, this is incredibly unhealthy.
And this is a story that happens to have sex scenes in it.
I'm so confused. To date, you're the only person who's complained about the semantics of not calling it a porn game in the nearly 4 years this story has been available to the public. What did you expect to come of this conversation? Did you expect me to change the categorization for one person? One person who, at this point, probably won't even play WCA? What was your goal? What do you gain from this, other than to be the Well Actually Guy? Does that make you happy? Did you expect to come in here and wave your dick around and intimidate me into... what, deleting the disclaimer? Do you get something from that? 'cause I am genuinely confused as to what compelled you to make such a big deal in a public comment section over (checks notes) a word. If you wanna categorize it as a porn game in your mind, go for it. There's nothing stopping you. Just like there's nothing stopping me from deciding to call it a porn game, a story with sexual content, or a downloadable catholic guilt simulator. If your personal definitions help you sort out what you wanna play and what you don't, fantastic. But you're not gonna force your definitions on anyone else, anymore than any of the NTR criers are gonna force me to call this an NTR game because you will eventually have the OPTION of sharing one of the girls with a lesbian character in a polycule.
26 years of playing porn games. That's impressive. Very respectable consumer experience. But how many have you written? How many books have you published? How many communities have you created and led? How many projects have you been involved in the creation of that relied on community feedback to improve your product? Have you ever been on the other side of the proverbial counter and experienced the position I'm in as a community manager and creator? Somebody who has to weigh community feedback by volume and severity and decide what to change and what not?
That experience is what leads me to balance my decision between one person who, at least to my perception, seems only interested in arguing semantics, over a several tens of people whose gameplay experience was actually adversely affected because the advertising led them to believe it was something it's not. It's a numbers game. For a game developer, or a creator of ANYTHING, really, that can be a cascading effect, potentially resulting in bad reviews that would, in turn, cause other people reading reviews to potentially go "oh, ew," and not play the game. That causes real, tangible damage to the game. One person complaining that I attempted to mitigate that disappointment so that people who were looking for quick fap games would know this isn't the game for them in order to avoid real damage to the game... think about that logically. I put in a disclaimer because people were being adversely affected. For most of this game's life, it has not had nearly the volume of sexual content as most porn games do, and that's only been changing recently. Deleting that disclaimer for one single person just... makes no sense. On top of that, some of the people who initially came looking for that type of game are now paid supporters of the game, and prefer the disclaimer because it sets the game apart from your typical quick fap game. Why on Earth would I change something that even the paying people support for one person, who is not paying, and who at this point will likely never even download and experience WCA? Use your critical thinking for even half a second and you'll see why that's such a bad idea. If I instantly bowed and scraped and "yessir'd" and changed the game every single time a person came at me with an isolated opinion, this project would be an utter mess.
Bottom line, unless I get a bunch more people saying the same, I'm not deleting the disclaimer. Maybe it would be better worded as "THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL PORN GAME" or "THIS IS NOT A QUICK FAP GAME" to better drive my point home. But honestly, I don't really understand what you're after here, or what you thought the result of this conversation was gonna be when you started it, other than making yourself look like an elitist, and you know how much people love elitists. But if this made ya feel better, ey, more power to ya. I can't claim to understand what makes people tick. You do you, I'll do me, and if a single disclaimer ruins an entire game for you, I... really don't know what to tell ya, bud. Coming in here and waving your dick around isn't gonna intimidate me into deleting something that helps people decide whether or not WCA is for them. True, I haven't been consuming adult games for 26 years. Congrats. That's impressive. I've been writing for 25 years, leading online communities for 12, and creating AVNs specifically for 4. Can you say the same?
Have fun with your superiority complex.
where are the dlcs? and how much content does it have?
Hit the View All By VictorSeven button in the top right or just go to my profile. The only thing that's publicly available is the H-Gallery add-on, and we have 1 character in Early Access for T4 supporters and above, but it'll be made available to the public when it's finished.
Hey all. So far, so good. I am currently playing into chapter 4, but I am very bad a choice games. I get very frustrated when I get tired. Is there a walkthrough for the "Choises" Yet? Is it on Patreon or Discord? Thanks.
Yeah you can pop into the Discord and I can help ya out. Lemme know which Trial you're stuck on. It seems you're not the only one who isn't having fun with the Trials, so I'm thinking of adding a Cinematic/Walkthrough mode that highlights the right choices for you.
The #wca-questions channel would be the right one :)
I changed the name of my character and noticed that the name was changed back into aurum during one of wither's free time scenes
Hey! Was it her last scene? I've heard this comment a couple of times and I'm having trouble finding where that might be.
It's the scene where Wither is teaching the first lesson. The first line is "Alright, Wither. I'm ready for my first lesson."
Ah. I think I found it. I had another coder help me with a couple of things, and he inserted a name command in the beginning of Wither B and E. I've commented them out and they'll be fixed next patch. Thank you!
I was wondering, will
the Clements daughtersever be found?We're aiming to resolve Ms. Clements' story in S2E7!
That rabbit looks stoned as fuck.
Where are you seeing a rabbit?
Lol I think he is referring to when mc goes to visit sera, mc comments that the rabbit looks stoned as fuck, it's the stuffed animal.
AH. See, context helps lol. There are so many renders in this game, sometimes I forget what's in 'em.
Downloaded recent update, but says episode 4 still not available. I do something wrong?
That shouldn't be happening... contact me on Discord and we'll figure out what's going on.
So I just binged this. Holy hell this is good. Thank you so much for your work. It's really a story I'm now aggressively waiting a continuation of.
Thank you so much! There's a lot of discussion in the Discord and we're very responsive there, if you feel like joining. Also do DLC giveaways here and there :
loved the new parts so as to not spoil things at one point i shouted kamahamaha. short but loving it . i very much enjoy stuff with wither,(and want to see much more of her), but i hope all the girls get equal time and development
Just downloaded the game and opened it, and holy moly the start screen song is a banger!
Glad you like it! Sound and music design is super important to me. You'll hear the music evolve over the course of the story as I come into possession of more and more music packs, and include some sneaky references and easter eggs here and there as well :P
I dedicate an entire development step to scoring a scene, so the fact that it's noticed is appreciated!
Played it some, and so far it seems nice. Not gotten far yet but it is promising. I however cannot open the replay gallery, i just get an error and then sent to a new game.
I like checking how many i've unlocked so far compared to how many there are, but not able to do that which makes me alittle sad.
Hmm that means a blank FantasiesCollection.rpa may have still made it into the files. The replay gallery is a paid DLC feature so the standard version shouldn't have it. I'll have to check the files and see where the issue is.
You will, however, be able to see which girls you're unlocking once you get partway into Season 2 and gain access to the Free Time system :)
Alright, I'm now confused lol. I just unpacked the version of the game, and I'm not seeing a "Replay Gallery" button anywhere. The only button should be "Fantasies Collection," and that should be in the main menu without the game running, and only if the DLC was purchased and added to the game. Where are you seeing a "Replay Gallery" button? Are you on version Or do you have the current free version?
Ahh that must be before I did the fix, then. Should be fine in Look in the Game folder for a file called FantasiesCollection.rpa. Should be 0KB. Delete it if you have it and that button shouldn't show up anymore.
i've played for the 1st frew chapters (i'm on the infirmary part now) and when i tried to open the gallery it gives an error, is it supposed to only work after we get farther into the story? is it a paid thing? (i saw you have another app for that) ... or is it a bug?
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_menu.rpy", line 117, in __call__
raise Exception("%r is not a screen or a label." % orig_screen)
Exception: u'replay_gallery' is not a screen or a label.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/", line 823, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
File "renpy/", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/", line 301, in interact
rv =, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/", line 2166, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "renpy/display/", line 3208, in interact_core
rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
File "renpy/display/", line 1202, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/", line 53, in event
return self.new_widget.event(ev, x, y, st) # E1101
File "renpy/display/", line 1202, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/", line 1202, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/", line 793, in event
rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/", line 1202, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/", line 1202, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/", line 1174, in event
return handle_click(self.clicked)
File "renpy/display/", line 1095, in handle_click
rv = run(action)
File "renpy/display/", line 395, in run
return action(*args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_menu.rpy", line 117, in __call__
raise Exception("%r is not a screen or a label." % orig_screen)
Exception: u'replay_gallery' is not a screen or a label.
Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
Worlds Crossing Academy
Tue Jan 7 18:04:59 2025
Yeah that version shipped with an empty FantasiesCollection.rpa file in the Game folder. That's a paid feature and the presence of the RPA unlocks it, but without any data in the RPA it doesn't work. That's fixed in, which also includes a whole new Main Story episode.
Is there a famale Orc in this game ?.
There is. Her name is Rukah. Though she's very different from what you'd expect from your typical Orc.
What does she look like ?. May I see a picture.
Here's Rukah and Wither, one of our Dryad characters.
Is it Orcs specifically that you're looking for, or do you like muscular girls in general? 'cause we have more of those that aren't Orcs. For instance, here's Galka, our goliath character:
i seem to be missing 1 core character and 2 secret characters, need help on how i have to unlock them the core is the one next to galka, and the the 2 secret charaters to the left are missing, i got the 2 to the right
Hey, the 2 leftmost Secret characters don't have any content yet. They're waiting on some main story stuff but I had to make sure to put the unlock flags in when you made the choices that included them in your game.
The ones on the left or right of Galka are also waiting on Main Story stuff, so I think you got everything! I may have thrown unlock flags in to prepare them for future patches. Sorry for the confusion :
thats ok, im glad i unlocked everyone, ready for next set :)
For joiplay players, the game seems to function if you change edit the game type to renpy (python2). That's using the current up to date version of joiplay+add-ons.
Neat looking vn. Been looking for a slower burning story to follow. May look at subbbing up, shame the 2$ tier on SS is capped at 10 subscriber's lol
Should be in touch again soon. That fantasy collection looks interesting.
Thanks for your effort in the game, to date. Merry Christmas and all that. c:
Hey! Thanks for the kind words. I'll be pushing an update soon that smooths out some of the admittedly rough first few episodes of the game and also adds DLC and Fantasies Collection functionality, as well as QoL updates like the ability to turn off the jumpscares.
The T1 limit thing is an old holdover that I completely forgot about. Lemme revisit that lol
Hey you!
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'll sign up for SS once I'm done here then lol
That first jump-scare got me real good, despite how clearly telegraphed it was xD wasn't the worst though, I won't complain about having more options. I think I'll sit on the game for now, till ya drop that update, so I get a better first experience ^v^
So far I have met the gobbos, things have been pretty smooth. The stalker vibe is really intense, the dream sequence really clinched the fear we should have about her. Great stuff.
Thanks again!
has virus be warned
No virus, bud. Make sure your 7Zip is updated if you're using that; there's a vulnerability in older versions.
On - i.e. current free version. Overall impression is good, though some feedback/criticism from a new player PoV:
You've got a few issues with the plotlines which I presume is due to rewrites - some stuff is explained twice. So far I'm seeing Mrs. Clements - there's stuff the first time you bring Ember paperwork where Ember makes comments about judges and witness protection that's not actually remembered later when Ember actually puts things together. Second one is Gilly's backstory - the MC forgets that Chiara asked the "Do you know her surname/parents" earlier when it's mentioned a second time and fully explained - first time she just said something like 'it's not my place to tell you'. Then, later, Gillie explains things again. I suspect that the second time (Chiara telling you) is a remnant of changes. Third one is Druthari where, during free play at MC's house she explains that there was a betrayal and ogres, and then the next one the MC doesn't prompt/seem to remember at all about it when we get more backstory. Could probably do with a change to the MC's text to "ah, about the betrayal..." or something like that?
Overall, very ambitious number of girls. A variety of bodies and kinks, though a bit lacking in chubby/fat girls so far. I have a few worries regarding characters dropping off plotwise for a while - with that many chars you just can't see them all frequently. Possibly locking the freeroam content behind a bit more main quest could alleviate that? Also feels weird immediately unlocking freeroam and just... dumping into 4 scenes with one char. I'm thinking something like unlock first two on the first freeroam, second two on the second, or so, if there's two freeroams of that time period in the episode? Maybe this isn't feasible until the season is finished, but probably should be born in mind.
Lastly, ghost/mirror girl feels... left out. Appears early, then disappears and isn't thought about by MC until appearing in E4? Feels like she could do with some explanation or worry from MC, as by then she's not just appearing to warn of deaths (appears during cellar/lab scene before... nothing). This may be a consequence of the high number of main girls and fitting everything in. May also flow better when she reappears.
Hey! Appreciate the feedback!
Yeah, the double-explains were pointed out and need to be shored up. Even though Season 1 got a rework, it's still in need of some heavy polishing. The early renders are garbage and as the story progresses, I become less and less happy with the writing.
As far as the girls go... Are you still playing the build, or have you finished it? I don't wanna say too much because of spoilers, but I went with a very Something For Everyone approach. I don't cover quite everything, but there are a couple of thicker girls like Kanako and Saffryn in there.
And as far as Kageshini goes, the next patch is a Main Story patch that features her VERY heavily. I'd love to have all the girls get some spotlight on a rotation, but I also have to consider what makes sense in the story, and given her limitations, I felt it was better to leave her more of a mystery for now until you actually get to meet her face-to-face.
Again thanks for the feedback! Making notes on the double-explains so I can go back and shore those up.
hi, can i ask what is this pinup packs for in download section. Can i ask how to install it?
Pinup Packs are just special folders full of HD images of the girls, since people want to see more of them and ask for more constantly. You can use them as wallpapers or banners or whatever you like. They don't affect the game or get installed into the game at all.
enjoyed the recent update and all the side quests. sad no main story. also mc should at one point soon mention ghillies family connection or seemed connection to clements. looking forward to more main and side stories loved the wither stuff ,hope to see more druthari and all the elves and goblins. i always get emotional play this game and crimson high
We're alternating Main Story and Side Story updates. Next one will be the full Season 2 Episode 4. Glad you enjoyed it!
This was really good, except for one detail that makes me feel like the MC isn't as great as he gets talked up to be by both himself and the security team. You'd think he would have mentioned the coincidence of Gillie's family and Ms.Clements family in the several times those events and their timelines were mentioned if they were as good at seeing details as they claimed to be. Even if they aren't actually connected in the story, it was a very obvious coincidence that any halfway intelligent lifeform would have noticed right away.
Mystery is a very tough subgenre to write. You have to balance the intrigue of what's going on but also leave room for the reader to come to the conclusions, because the draw of mystery is figuring things out before they're directly stated in the work. I should probably mention I don't specialize in mystery, so the gaps I left in characters mentioning things so that the reader could put the pieces together without being outright TOLD what the answer is may not have presented as well as I'd hoped. Most of my experience is in the Fantasy genre for my 24 years of writing experience, and though I've been a professional Dungeon Master before and have run plenty of tabletop games over the past 6 years, writing a mystery for tabletop players and for an AVN like this are two very different things.
What I was HOPING to do was set up all the details and let YOU, the player, connect the dots before they came together in the story. If that made Aurum seem a little dumb or oblivious, I suppose that's a side effect of leaving that sort of room for the player. In having had many, many different TRPG players, readers of my series, and players of WCA, I've learned that everyone figures things out at a different pace, if at all in some cases. Someone like you, cursed with a fast pace, is going to figure things out much quicker than someone who takes a while to connect the dots. And I can't write for only one type of reader, so I did what I felt would make sense to the majority of readers.
That being said, hope you enjoy the rest of the game :) I do appreciate the feedback, as it will help inform how I do things in the future.
That's a fair way to describe the difference in players, I probably wouldn't have even brought it up if the MC wasn't so hyped up on noticing things tbh.
That said, I did really enjoy the story and look forward to the rest. Your TTRPG experience shows and this gave me a good replacement for the week my group couldn't get together(always seems to happen when we are just a few sessions shy of the end too)
Appreciate the kind words. I hope my logic sort of makes sense.
I feel you on the scheduling thing. Dunno if you watch TTRPG content, but I do have an ongoing game that's preserved in my Twitch Collections if ever ya want something extra to watch.
非常感谢您的好意!我真的希望在这个类型中做些不同的事情。我从小就玩这些精彩的 SquareEnix RPG,这些角色写得很漂亮,很仔细,但他们从来没有给你机会去探索你与这些角色的联系意味着什么。同样,在成人游戏类型中,“故事”总是这些可笑的借口,让你转向下一个顽皮的场景。我想弥合这两种类型的故事之间的差距,并包括两个世界中最好的部分,同时丢弃两者中最糟糕的部分,如果这有意义的话。
我很高兴你喜欢这个故事,因为这是我做这个项目的首要任务。我是一位出版过两本书的奇幻作家,有近 25 年的写作经验,我的专长是角色。我觉得我可以利用这项技能,真正提高成人游戏中情感联系和故事深度的标准。我很高兴看到它产生了预期的效果。
我试图让一些内容尽可能真实。我当了 12 年的保安,还教过跆拳道,所以写出我所知道的内容意味着每个场景的细节都是可信的。尤其是那场打斗场景。我真的想奖励那些恰好拥有这种打斗知识的人,我很高兴它能跨风格翻译。我很好奇你练习的是什么武术。我祖父年轻时是洪拳的学生,这也是我最初接触武术的原因。
我没有任何语言的官方翻译计划,但如果中国市场对这样的项目有很高的需求,我肯定会考虑。我很高兴你玩得很开心,谢谢你提出在中国互联网上推广它。我以前在 教英语的时候有很多中国学生,我对这个地区及其各种文化情有独钟。
Found an oopsy...
So, most older security radios, including the ones I've worked with, have attachments you can put on them such as lapel mics/parrots or sleeve/earpiece attachments. They still require the base unit to function. What I'm trying to sell here is that there is the base unit on his waist and he's got it hooked up to a sleeve mic. Unfortunately, Ai Shoujo doesn't have any really good cord attachments (or didn't at the time) so I didn't bother trying to show the attached "cord." You'll find I did the same with Galka and selling the illusion of a parrot/lapel mic.
Good eye for detail, though!
is it just me, or did you put a couple of tfs dbz abridged lines as references in game 🤔
Oh absolutely lol
can the girls get pregnant?
No, and I don't think that's a kink I'll be adding for a few reasons, one of which being the science of the worlds. Most species' biology isn't compatible with human biology. So if that's a kink you're looking for, sorry to disappoint, but no plans to add pregnancy thus far.
WCA is a lot more about the story and the emotional connection than the kinks, though, so if you're hunting for a specific kink or fetish, there are way better games for that. If you're looking for story depth and emotional tension, where intimacy really means something, that's more in line with what WCA is about. Yes, we do explore certain kinks, but I find it hard to include things like pregnancy because it's something I'm not into, and writing something you have no love of can really feel cheap and do it a disservice to those who DO like it. And I don't wanna do that with something that someone loves.
Hope that makes sense :)
yea, though my thoughts on the pregnancy is not much of a kink, i would say it's a way of life to cross the bridge with someone you love and to boost their confidences to make them feel loved and the meaning behind it, it's only natural to give the one you love a world that you can share that love with through thick and thin.
That's a really good explanation, and I can sort of see what you mean when you say it that way. I'm still tossing around the idea of individual ending scenes for each girl when you complete her side story, but being a harem story, I'm not sure how well that'll work. And I still may be the wrong person to write it, as someone who is never having kids. But I do appreciate your explanation and perspective.
Hey VectorSeven,
I gotta say you have one hell of a game here! Extremely well made with a great story. One of the very few vn were i did not mind the slow burn at all. I do have to ask one thing though, as I played through the android version I seen on the comment here that there is 49 characters story's to go through and I barely have 20 ish. How do I get the dlc and some of the extra characters or are they only in the pc version?
Hey! The 1.0 release saw the Season 1 Rework, completion of Season 1, and finalizing of backend systems so there will be no more restarts.
We're currently on Season 2, and a lot of content is still being made. None of the DLC characters have been released to supporters or public yet, and only about half of the Core cast even has side story scenes. A lot of the content is still being made. We will have a side content patch out within the next couple of months that will bring 4 girls up to a total of 5 side scenes each. After that, there will be a main story patch.
Thanks for the kind words! We have a wonderful Discord community, and you're welcome to join!
Two things first I love that we can fight that asshole buSIR that preview makes me want to fight him again I can't wait for a new updat
Glad you liked the fight system. That took so damn long to get right lol
Is it finally time to download the update and start a fresh save to see what all has changed and what new content there is? *looks at last progress report* 2 days ago... good news... aight, I wait a little bit longer then! Lol
Hey! Since the 1.0 release, all backend systems have been finalized. If your last save was in the beta version (0.*.*.*), this is the last time you'll have to restart. If your save was from a version after 1.0, you won't have to restart at all.
The story is currently on Season 2 Episode 3, and the next update will be a side content wave featuring 4 girls and a surprise scene from a secret 5th :
Main story will be updated in the patch following to Season 2 Episode 4.
yep, read the most recent lil progress log you posted which is why I said I will wait for the next update to start over. I had already seen others bring up save issues and your reply about having to start a new save, and since I last played when this was 2 separate "games" I will most definitely have to restart lol. Which is still good, I get to see if anything has changed then I get to see what you have added :D
Ahh you played before the Season 1 Rework. It's definitely a better experience now. I think you'll be happy with it.
honestly I already liked it to begin with, so that really makes me look forward to picking it back up soon :D
Hello VictorSeven! First I would like to say that I love your VN,and I always look forward to each update! I have a little problem though, now maybe I missed something or i have to be subscribed to something, but the (Free time feature) will not work for me. Every time I click on the book I get an error message. Is there something I'm doing wrong that I can't access it? I know you are a busy guy, but I would really appreciate it if you could possibly tell me how to fix the issue when you have the time.
Again I love your story and all of its characters! And I want to enjoy all the rest of what it has to offer and your hard work in bringing it to us!
Thank you in advance!
Hey! I have a Known Issues section in the Discord, and if this is the error I think it is, this may be what you're looking for. Also thank you for the kind words!
Thank you very much sir! I will try that and let you know how it goes
That was indeed the problem! Thank you so much for the help, I really appreciate it!
Of course! Feel free to join the Discord; it's got the Known Issues section, a Bugs and Typos section where you can post errors you find, and even some exclusive content like voicemails from a couple of the characters :)
gotta ask... when hanging out with Mouse for the first time in "free time" she mentions a show called 'Crimson High' Is that a game that is playable or something that was really well made up
Yes! That's a nod to VertigoAVN, who made the texting system for WCA! You can find it here:
The funny thing about this game is there isnt ENOUGH story for me lol. I kept thinking I was about to get the juicy goblin lore or elf lore and all I got were these damn sex scenes! Lol, but for real, where the game starts and where it ends up is so shocking in retrospect. I was expecting monster harem and got bizarre cross-dimensional violent drama. If I had to nitpick, you spent WAY more time talking about radio short hand than was necessary, like for real I felt like I actually got a job as a security guard and I was gonna be tested on the information at the end haha. Minor Spoiler: Idk if you originally planned on the goblins being basically the main characters but I'm glad you went that route. In fact I feel like if the game has a lesson it's that looks are often deceiving, which is a really refreshing way to introduce a bunch of well-known fantasy races
Lot of this comes from my own experience, and I really wanted the player to be immersed, so I based a lot of things in reality but gave them a fantasy twist. Enough familiar to be comfortable, enough different to feel that joy of discovery.
As for the goblins, they're probably my crowning achievement. I'm a very Against Type writer, so I like to take common tropes and expectations and turn them on their heads. I wanted to take a characteristically "ugly" race and see if I could make them cute without losing what made them goblins. I was tired of the short fugly ones and I was tired of just "green humans" being called goblins, so I wanted to redefine what a goblin love interest could look like. Quite proud of them... so I had to make more lol
Vic just wanted to say you got rockstar status at our home. my girl and I reread then discuss everything thats changed and our thoughts on whats to come.
would love to see more Kanoko soon!
Brother I'm so happy WCA is something you can share with your girl. Most people would feel compelled to hide the fact that they play games like this, but the story is the point, not the sex. Ya made my day.
Glad to hear we made your day. We wanted youn to know your work is appreciated and keep up the awesome work.
I am really liking this game. I started all over just to change my name to Rufus. Idk why but them saying the same thing about it made me laugh way harder than I care to admit lol.
LOL I really should put some conditionals in there at some point.
Goated, just cause the writer recognizes Death Stranding as a masterpiece.
I have 24 years of writing experience and do professional book coaching on the side, and STILL Kojima regularly makes me look like an idiot by comparison. The man's writing is on another level.
glad to know the people still got good taste
Breed me giant lady uwu. (im a man)
There's a voicemail from Galka waiting for ya in the Discord :)
what was update 1.3 about i dint have anything ne
1.3 added the entire main story Season 2 Episode 3, as well as 1 more secret character and a few side story scenes. Make sure you have
Also if your save is from one of the beta versions (before July, version 0.x.x.x), be advised your save won't work with the full release version (version 1.0+). If you have a beta save, due to finalizing backend systems, you'll have to start over one last time. Thankfully, because this is the full release, there will be no more restarts, as backend systems have been finalized and there should be no new system critical variables.
Holy shit, the comments section here is kind of overwhelming, this game sure stirred the pot lol. Anyway. Came here to say I played and enjoyed your game. Don't listen to the haters. Keep making it. That's all I'm saying lmao.
I've found that I can engage in discussion and create a fan about 70% of the time. Most negativity is based on an assumption, and some of those are my fault for having an outdated description lol. Thanks for the kind words, and we have character voicemails in the Discord if you're interested in stuff like that!
Agreed. Fantastic game. Keep up the great work.
Thank you!
Man that was such a good start to read a very captivating interesting setting concept and then i came to the part that is like "there are actual dangers to the safety of the characters like for example you got a mentally ill yandere stalker that can actually kill your loved favorite girls" which ruined the cool fantasy take on school mysterys on like "Stormside" and "The Headmaster" and made me immediatly go "well there goes my will to download and play it". All these School Mysterys always have an evil force threatening the player (which i honestly dislike like cant there be just some good school story like this one or the ones i mentioned without the physical punishment, slavery and murder mystery or other types of in-universe unconsented physical violence parts guys? Sometimes plain old sexy time is perfectly fine and all needed) sure but never really the girls. Frankly games like this dont need an Element of "Danger" or "Mystery" if you ask me. What was described in "The Setting" is an ineresting enough story in it itself. the danger Cecilia poses only just ruins it for me and makes it hard for me to go for closer relationships with other girls i like like the demon girl on the last picture or the left plant girl on the 3rd picture or that white haired dark elf (or something) girl besides the tall girl on the 6th picture or the goblin girl on the 9th picture.
So I will say that part of the description is about 4 years old, back when there were going to be stats for that kind of stuff (before my coder bailed on me and I had to learn Ren'py myself). Since then, WCA has turned into far more of a story than a game, and though yes, there are antagonists because I am an author, not a game designer, none of the love interests will ever be killed. That part was changed very early on.
That being said, it says right at the top, this is not a porn game. This is a story I'm telling that HAPPENS to have a bit of adult content in it. It's far more focused on emotionally connecting with the girls and helping them solve their problems, earning your closeness with them, than getting in and getting your rocks off. There are TONS of games like that out there. I'm trying to do something a little different. You're not playing the perfect ThunderChad McChickmagnet that automatically has everyone falling for him and instantly gets to bang whoever he wants. You're playing a real character, with a story arc of his own, with his own flaws and things he needs to overcome.
So yeah, if you're looking for just sexy time, you're gonna be disappointed. Though I do have H-scenes that are over 30 video loops long, you gotta earn 'em. And for that, you gotta be willing to put aside what you expect from a "porn game" and be prepared to engage with a story, which is what WCA is listed as.
It may not be your cup of tea. But ya won't know till you try it, will ya?
well its a good thing i aint looking for ThunderChad McChickmagnet and emotionally connecting with the girls and trying to solve their problems is something i often, easily and with great joy do in the games i play (even the porn ones) so i guess i will have to give it a shot then and hope yandere stalker girl stays of the girls and love interests i emotionally connect to. That said my comment might been a indicator to consider a description update if such a great change already happened so long ago. Are all the girls in the Banner love interests that cant be killed?
Well, if that's the kind of player you are, you might find WCA enjoyable. I'm very interested to hear how you feel if you end up playing for a bit.
There are 49 total planned love interests if you include the 21 DLC characters. We're still in the early stages of Side Content (this becomes available in Season 2), which is each girl's romance route that you get to play in the Free Time system you unlock eventually. NONE of these girls will die. Slight spoiler here, but one of the girls DOES suffer an attack in Season 1 but recovers. Cecilia (the yandere stalker) is an integral part of Aurum's backstory, so she's somewhat present during Season 1 of the story. However, she ended up being such a polarizing character (half want a redemption arc, the other half want her dead) that I moved her romance route to the Secret category. In a future episode in Season 2, you the player will get to choose whether or not you ever see her again.
WCA is built on the back of community feedback, and many voices have gone into shaping how this experience feels over the years. You're right in that I ABSOLUTELY need to update that description; for every one person who speaks up there are at least 10 who feel the same way who remain silent. That being said, there is a fair amount of emotional rollercoaster in this story, probably more than you expect from a typical adult experience you'd find here on Itch. But as a writer, I use these techniques not because I like bad things happening to the characters, but because the presence of bad things makes the good things sweeter by comparison. The shadow only serves to elevate the brightness of the light. I understand people get a little weary of tragedy and conflict in things they play with the intention of feeling good, and that's why I have my disclaimer at the top of the page. This absolutely could turn out to be everything you hate in a story like this, and if that's the case, I do apologize. I know I can't please everyone. But there's also a nonzero chance that you end up absolutely falling in love with a few of the characters and enjoying your time in WCA.
And it's when that happens that I feel the last 4 years working on this store were worth it. Appreciate your time, and thanks for giving WCA a shot.
I will check it out today. Good to hear the girls survive i rather not repeat the disappointment and sadness of losing one of my favorite absolutly loved characters like from Final Fantasy 7 (with Jessie) or Assassins Creed Unity (with Elise) and Odyssey (with Phiobe). Its no suprise Cecilia is polarizing i myself dont want a Yandere Stalker threatening the girls so i can understand the Kill her side however she kinda reminds me of Azula from Avatar the last Airbender who is also definitly a broken but capable girl and a psycho yet i love Azula and want a redemption for her and i can see me feel the same for Cecilia. It would certainly be good to be able to have a choice to either fix her or say its not worth the effort and get rid 8f her entirely. In fact i already fell in love with a few girls from their design alone (Wither, Black Elf girl Core category end of first row, Goblin girl beginning of third row core category, Demon Girl DLC group first row third from left, dragon girl secret group third from right). As long as you dont go "Stray Incubus" and friends style and make horror (aside from the ghost girls i know are already in or planned and my (un)itentionally are scary sometimes), hell (aside from the probably hell like homeworld of the DLC demon girl, played a game once that refreshingly DIDNT depicted the demon girls as evil manipulating antagonist trying to make you a bad criminal boy who will join them punished for the sins he let them seduce him to do as their eternal playtoy in hell) and the gods as Antagonists (game was still ok though and i absolutely fell in love with the spider girl Misty so if your to do character list gets shorter i recomment this absolute lovable cuty as inspiration) the story im sure ill like it. In fact i got my own school adventure story with fantasy/mythology girls and (probably way less magical) travel between worlds however its more of a private hobby thing just in conceptual text form not really planned to ever be a book or game. Maybe it will become a public fictional world encyclopedia on World Anvil but i doubt it will go beyond that in this life.
Very rarely do I ever like to make a character "mwahaha evil because I wanna be evil." I feel that's lazy. Avatar has some of the best writing I've ever experienced in a show, and I like to lean into grey morality more often than not. There is a reason Cecilia is the way she is. It's trauma-based because of the way she lived. She is a character that is very clearly in need of professional help. And once I have the main story to the right point, the player will be able to choose to either get her professional help or to not have her in their playthrough anymore.
Druthari, our Dark Elf security officer, is another example. She has trauma-based anxiety/panic attacks with specific triggers. She's a very closed-off person whose walls take time to work through. But once she explains her past history to you, everything makes sense. I have a lot of characters like this that have emotional hangups they can't solve on their own. But I also like to flip the script and have a character who is reasonably healthy who sees the main character's hangups, and instead of you fixing her problems, she's trying to help you work through yours.
For me, it all comes together as this wonderful living, breathing world where the characters are deeply crafted like in several of the AAA games you mentioned, these lovingly designed, complete characters that in those games, you never get to explore your connection to. I take that and I splice it with the Adult Entertainment genre, which typically has abysmal story and character depth, but DOES allow you to explore your connections to characters, physically and emotionally. What I hope for is the best of both worlds. Characters with depth, personality, and endearing nature mixed with the option to explore what that means to you in a setting where the story is rich and rewarding in its ups and downs. I like to write in a way that plays the strings of your emotions in such a way that the darkness amplifies the light.
Over the nearly 4 years I've been working on WCA, I've learned that this style is not everyone's cup of tea, and there's no mold I can fit myself into to please these people. So again, I understand if the story is a little too... dire for some? The point of making dire events happen in the story is to make people CARE. And when people CARE, the romance they experience is sweeter, because they feel they've made that difference in that character's life. That's what I'm setting out to do. Not to be a sadist and break hearts by offing someone's favorite girl. That's a big no-no in this genre lol
was doing mouse side story crimson high is my favorite vn was wondering if yall were connected in some way
Absolutely! Vertigo is actually the one who gave me his texting system and helped me fix a few things. He's been SUPER helpful to the development of WCA, and you'll even find a small nod to WCA in Crimson High, a Beanflix screen with WCA as a show on the TV during one of the scenes :)
i think i remember that im waiting on the next update for Crimson high myself at the moment which is what lead to me finding world crossing academy