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Deleted 1 year ago

Day limit? I don't know what you mean by that so probably not. It's a very linear experience that focuses on story above all else.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Weird, here(tm), downloaded on itch, works fine on my linux box and lib/python2.7/site.pyo exists.

Archive corruption (fwiw: md5sum of the working zip is 710e1c69446971e10dc805e506f8a004)? Have you tried to unpack it to a fresh folder (extracting & overwriting fails surprinsingly often with renpy)?

Problem "solved"

started from an old Windows HDD (ntfs, fuse ect): Python Import Error - but only this game.

started from Linux formated drive: it runs - not sure if this is a sign for or against the maschine revolution, but I'm done for today xD WTF

harr! have fun playing WCA

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

There are few AVNs that manage to keep my full attention throughout the 'tamer', dialogue-only scenes; this is one of the few. I'm hooked.

  • The story is intriguing. Unlike most AVNs, the story in WCA in itself is a convincing reason to play this game. There's certainly a ton of effort put into this.
  • The dialogue is wonderfully written. Great English, great vocabulary.
  • The humor is on point. Huge props here! There were tons of witty dialogue and hilarious conversations. Despite the seriousness of the story, I'm glad you are able to keep the game feel "light".
  • The characters are all well designed and unique. This is particularly difficult to nail in text-based games, but you out-did yourselves here.

All in all,  I'm really excited for future updates. I'm a sucker for a good story, so this game has really scratched an itch. Thank you!

To all players that considers playing this game, absolutely do just that. Couldn't recommend it more. Keep in mind that this game is, as the author put it, a "slow burn". If you're in the mood for a quickie, bookmark the game and come back another time.


Game keeps closing whenever it wants, great game but very frustrating because of this issue. Can anyone please help


What are you playing on? Hop in the Discord and I'll be able to respond much faster. There's a Typos and Bugs section.

(1 edit) (+2)

Love the game so far! I was the recently deleted post as I saw my problem was a known issue so my bad! Keep up the great work!!!

Edit: Just finished and got to say I'm loving it! I love your writing!!! And the characters are awesome excited for more!


Thank you so much! Feel free to hop in the Discord; it's much easier to get responses for issues there :)


Thank you! I'll keep that in mind!!!


This was an incredibly fun game so far! It is always really refreshing to find an adult game with genuine plot and not just H-scenes. Your writing is engaging and while I managed to guess some of the plot twists, others were quite unexpected.  I'm looking forward to the next public update! Unfortunately I'm too broke to financially support the game currently, but here's hoping for better prospects on the future!!

Hey thank you so much! And no worries on the financial stuff. Anyone can help the game out by sharing it with like-minded friends and people!

(2 edits) (+3)

I was thinking about the beach scene with Nook. It ended abruptly and  it was a bit unclear what happened. Afterwards the MC wakes up and tells us what sort of happened. Try to do more show instead of tell (this happens later too with new character that suddenly gets introduced during that event) . I found that part really confusing and disjointed. The MC did not look that bothered by it and continues onward with a shrug almost (to me at least). This is my take on it of course. Also, take your time before expanding the scope with new events and characters. It's beginning to become a bit overwhelming with all the new side content and branching pathways in my opinion.  Anyway, still one of the better VN's around. 


Thank you for your input! I'm approaching the 1.0 release of Season 1, so a large portion of my time is going to be spent going back and polishing up little issues like this.


Really enjoyed this one, finished it in one sitting.

Damn! Powered through it!


I think you know what I mean



its very rare for me to play games like this and want to prioritize the story over the lewd stuff, but i really love the righting! once i have some extra funds i plan on providing at least a little support.

I appreciate it more than you know! The story is very important to me.

(1 edit) (+3)

Well, I gave you some feedback with the questionare. Hope you'll give my thoughts on River some thoughts yourself. She is unique now, and I hope you'll give us the chance to keep her "uniqueness". Thanks again.


Absolutely. I write these things with a purpose, and I already know where her story is going. Thank you for your feedback and I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Shame imo. Now I'll have to wait until elven world.


I'm really loving the story and characters. thanks for all your hard work.  


Thank you so much!


it's me again. i was wondering when is the public release for 1.5.8? :) ang also if you still remember my question... about the girl in the mirror, is her name going to be revealed and will also have a relationship with the MC? (since WCA practically endorses every entity?) XD
and also i'm curious.... will the MC's EX (Cecilia's sister Ashley) will also be going to be in the picture in the future updates?
I can't wait for the next update :D
(i know she's fictional but i'm still worried about Rook since she's been abducted and missing ever since) :)


I posted the schedule right here:


So far i love the game, sorry about what has happened. I wish you my best of feelings. We appreciated that you were still able to do this after all that has happened. With this i bless youre time


Okay, I feel I'm obligated to warn you that my feedback at the end of this current version is...a bit lengthy.

Sorry. I just can't stand Discord, for a multitude of reasons.


No worries! All feedback is welcome!


first fu, for real, i almost fell of my chair with the mirror scene x'D , damn i knew something was coming but it still got to me, second i'm loving this game keep it up <3 btw i came to comment when the second time happened, again i knew something would come and still got me, i dont know if my heart will handle more times with those ahahahah


Hahaha thank you :P

I think if Tilai is indeed a princess, people would address her "your highness" rather than milady.


Enjoying the game and looking forward to future updates.    Haven't had any issues with the windows version.  No hang ups or bugs noticed.


Thank you so much, and good to know!

Hello there,  I've enjoyed the game so far from what I've played the only problem I have is trying to access the options or any menu of sorts the game just freezes up on me, I play this on android.


That's really interesting. I have almost no ability to bugtest on Android, but I find it's usually hardware related. Huawei devices don't seem to run the game well and bug out during the texting events. What device are you running? Would you like to hop into the Discord and discuss?

(1 edit)

I'm just running it on a Samsung Galaxy A70.

Sorry for the late reply I didn't get a notification 


The only thing I can think of is it might be a memory/storage issue. Apps tend to misbehave when your phone is low on storage. If there are any games you don't play, try uninstalling and freeing up some space, then run it again. Might need to start a new save in case the bugs are in the save file.

Alright I'll try that out.

Is the girl with the horns a good person or bad person? Kinda a spoiler question but I don't mind spoilers.

I responded to this initially thinking it was in reference to the last photo in the Almost There devlog. Then I realized it's on the comments of the main game lol. There are now several girls with horns. Of whom do you speak?

Both. The one with short red horns & the one on the devlog. The one with short red horns on the main page of the game. Last photo.

The one with the short red horns is an upcoming character with a rather complicated story. She's been in the planning phase since before the game was launched, and I'll probably introduce her during the Security Arc, which is next after the Janitor Arc concludes. 

The other one is a Shadow Dragon, and was created by one of our T5 Patreon supporters :)

Can I assume they're not nice?


Wither needs a hug.

I gotchu.

Hey, I play on android 9. EMUI 9.1.0 (huawei p20 lite) and when the parts with the text messages happen, the game crashes very often. Sometimes even when reloading. Especially when texting with River. I got through in the end, but it took like forever. 

That's very odd. Can you hop into the Discord and give me more information?


Will there be more eventually with the female Goliath security officer ? 


Oh absolutely. Right now, I'm working on finishing up the Janitor Arc, which serves as the game's intro. I'm kind of transforming it into a game where you'll be able to choose who you hang out with in your free time as the main story is progressing. So like, perhaps your lunch break at work, and then after work, you'll be able to go see someone and hang out with them. Almost every character you've seen in the story thus far will have their own "route" and interactions with you eventually.

how do i use the swimsuit pack?

You download it and unzip it anywhere on your computer. Then double click the images to open them. The Pinup Packs are collections of HD wallpapers of the girls, not a game modification. It's extra stuff for my Patreon/SubscribeStar supporters, but I made a couple of them publicly available.

I want to know, this version doesn't have any hscenes skipped or missing? 

Nope. I filled in 2 of the missing ones and moved the third one to Thursday (next update).

oh thank yeh kind sir. the reason i asked is i jsut copied from my friend a copy of WCA and..... the one i copied is missing some scenes. the missing scenes starts from the flash back of MC dreaming that MC and Ashley having "fun time" while cecilia is watching then suddenly Ashley became Cecilia.

No reason to copy from your friend when it's publicly available here lol. Newest update shouldn't be more than a month or so out, hopefully.


thanks.and I really enjoyed your work. Even me is also worried about nook though. Still no word. And by any chance... The girl entity inside MC's mirror,will be also added to his harem? 😄

Haha stay tuned, my friend. Much more of her on the way.


When is the next new content update due please ? So far i have absolutely no complaints with this game at all, I love all the characters especially the goblin girls and the giant girl, sorry cant remember the names, the animations and all fluid and beautiful and my only complaint so far is I've reached the end or current content lol


Thanks for the kind words! I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the next update, which will feature Thursday and Friday of the Chapter 6 week. There is no release schedule yet, as we haven't met the Patreon goal for that quite yet. I still have to rely on my job for much of my income, and while that's the case, I can only work on the game in my free time. The higher the Patreon numbers get, the more I can reduce my availability at work and have actual, dedicated days to work on WCA. And heck, maybe even come up with some sort of release schedule in the process. But until that happens, we'll all just have to be patient, 'cause for right now, it'll be done when it's done.


well im hooked  not only does it have its funny moments but there are also the sensual deep things that you wont see brought to life in other vn but it maintains that all while leaving room for the adult interactions not only that but youve consistently added more diverse characters whom youve started to flesh out past personality etc very well done cant wait for more!

Thank you for your kind words!


I really enjoyed the variety of characters you have. They are all quite likable in their own way. The meta popularity contest is also a pretty funny and unique idea, helps remind the player it's a game in constant production, gaining more and more followers. Plus seeing where your favorite ranks is a cool little sidebar. 

One thing I noticed in your description that seems common among AVN creators and always leads down the same path: no end goal. My New Family did it, Dating My Daughter did it. The problem is you always run out of conflicts that define each character and it becomes a slog of lewd scenes followed by saccharine, meaningless drivel dialogue. If you get enough popularity, people will follow your next project. Nobody likes to see their favorite show turn into The Simpson's and never know when to end. If you actually give satisfying conclusions to characters, it gives the audience a much better overall experience


I do have 4 main story arcs planned. We're currently in the first arc, the Janitor Arc. The next arc, which starts after the end of Chapter 6, is the Security Arc. Following that will be the Counselor Arc, and somewhere along the line we'll enter the Ambassador Arc. I may have a couple more between Counselor and Ambassador, and I'm not 100% on the Ambassador Arc, but each storyline will have its own main antagonist and plot hooks. Kind of episodic, I suppose. 

Just played the entire game so far in one sitting and I'm hooked great characters great story all around 10/10 Game. Thank you for making such an enjoyable experience. I can't wait for more.


Thank you for your kind words!

Very nice! Except for the eyes on like 2 of the model's I like pretty much all the models, great work. Really like the personalities as well. 

Thank you!

any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 


There is a small amount in-game so far, and I plan for there to be more in the future. If you want to see what's there so far, make sure you stick around in the woods a bit rather than going back early :)

I saw a novel in my early years that is very similar to your inspiration - the college with mythical creatures, which is located on the earth in another dimension. But this novel is about adventure and battle. The most powerful figure in the academy is an ancient dragon. She (this dragon) is also the dean and the guardian of the world against evil gods

That sounds extremely interesting.

Will there be dragons, angels, demons, vampires and mermaids? What's your discord account?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Kinda, 'cause I dunno how I'd make a mertail work in this context lol. You can join the Discord here:

(1 edit)

One possible solution for the mertail issue could be something along the lines of other fantasy works, where the tail divides and becomes actual legs when dry. I seem to recall a movie using this trick when dealing with mermaids, but I can't for the life of me remember the title.

EDIT: I know that this would potentially mean two separate character models to deal with in regards to a mermaid character. Another option is to simply have her legs covered in scales with small wing type fins protruding from the sides of her thighs or calves, but I don't know how your modeling software would like this idea.

Oh I have no problem with multiple models for a character. There's one in the game that has 5 models, as she transforms in stages. Thing is, we're toying with the idea that she can't breathe air, which creates kind of an exotic boundary between her and the MC.

I've never heard of that restriction for mermaids. What source material are you using that imposes that restriction, I'm curious.

Well, the character in question isn't quite a mermaid, but instead a Naiad. I was considering an Undine, but I settled on Naiadbecause they're not nearly so common as merfolk.



LOL there's a story behind this! I'm not a Souls player, and I was sifting through the assets for an "abandoned cathedral" and this came up. So I was like "Cool! This is really detailed!" and put it in the game. Later on, someone pointed this out to me, and I said, "There's no way. It was in my mod pack." They booted up the game, went to the Undead Burg, and went into the cathedral, and sure enough. Shit. Lol. 

I highly doubt FromSoftware is gonna come after me for mistakenly using their cathedral, and if they do, I'll just take this scene out of the game temporarily and reshoot it somewhere else. But good eye lol. 


Rather than good observation, I just have over 400 hours in dark souls; it would have been hard to miss. But yeah, my elation at recognizing the cathedral was sky-high. Btw, dark souls is over a decade old, so FromSoftware prolly won't care :)

I hope you're right lo

While I'm truly loving the game, your grasp of how actual Irish people act and talk is very nearly offensive. I'm Irish, born and raised, and 30 years old living the whole time in Ireland. NO ONE talks like that. We do use some phrases occasionally and kinda contextually. We don't talk in catchphrases. And no one except Americans ever say "Top of the morning to ya". You've written your Irish human character as a mix of Irish and Scottish, pretty much how most writers write dwarves. To make matters worse, it's super noticeable when you go to any other character to her. God help us all when/if you ever introduce actual dwarf characters because they're either going to the same but magnified, or talk like normal people, and I'm not actually sure what'd be worse. 

Don't get me wrong, I do really love the game, it's just that one part of it that throws everything else off.


I did weeks of research into Irish slang and speech patterns in an effort to get it as faithful as possible, and I think I inadvertently ended up mixing Irish, Northern Irish, and Scottish colloquialisms. If you're keen on joining the Discord, I could REALLY use a native Irish person as a consultant for her dialogue. If you're interested, pop on in and let me know who you are. I'd prefer for her to be as accurate as possible. Aoibheann is a fan favorite character, and changing how her dialogue is written doesn't have to change her attitude or personality.

Ok, i didn't expect to be so hooked by the game. Know that i really like the gobelin girls. I like their personnalities and their relationship between them. 
Jade too but probably for the kink. 

Good job for the game and good luck for the next. I'll follow you to be up to date on your work !

Have a nice day o/

Just a question, the gallery with much content missing is normal, isn't it ? 

Like prevision of the next possibly scenes ?

Hey, thank you so much! All of the blank slots in each girl's gallery are just placeholders for potential future content. They're not scenes you haven't unlocked yet, though they probably give off that vibe, huh? Sadly I wasn't the one who built the gallery, so I generally don't touch it other than to turn one of those locked slots into an actual scene once it's added to the game. 


No worries. I just wanted to be sure. I'm looking forward the next for the game !

Good luck !

This game was so beautiful and wonderful. really enjoyed the story. I could tell it took alot of work. I dont usually leave reviews but I felt this product deserved one.

I appreciate that more than words can describe. Thank you so much!

I am SO glad for the Yandere warning in the beginning. Even with it, it took quite a lot not to stop playing. And what a nice game I would have missed! The writing is REALLY good, I like the fact that a lot of characters have their own mannerisms (beyond the "defining characteristic") - but I must admit in that regard "Aweebin" is my favourite ^^.

The story is riveting and ties in the lewdness nicely and unobtrusively. And the girls are very nice to look at (not all equally, but with such a wide range of body types and charcters, I'm guessing everybody has a "least favourite").

VERY nice, can't wait for the next update!

Good to know that's saving the game for some people. Dealing with Cecilia is rough emotionally, but in my mind the light needs shadow to appear bright by comparison. If everything was perfect, it'd be a little bit boring. The prologue comes off a lot rougher and more negative-toned than I intended, and I hope to adjust that someday, but my hope was that the player would feel the satisfaction of climbing out of a ditch and overcoming the assumptions made about them, proving themselves against an unfair standard. 

When I started writing this, I never imagined Cecilia would be so polarizing. Since then, I've learned a lot about the AVN community, and I'm glad my Something For Everyone philosophy of character design is doing it for so many people. 

I'd love to know who your favorites are! Feel free to hop into the Discord and chat with us!


Jade is my personal favorite by far. Her attitude and personality are just my style, and the fact that she's a Muay Thai practitioner just seals the deal. As a martial artist myself, I appreciate when someone actually knows the names of specific techniques and katas, and doesn't just randomly start spitting out a bunch of random nonsense names because they sound cool. It's also great that you describe the thoughts going through the combatants heads in order to formulate a strategy.

I also appreciate the fact that you show very clearly that just because you're a martial artist, you are NOT invincible, and shit can happen outside of your control. Cecilia clearly didn't just have the natural talent to "adapt" to the MC's fighting style. She put in the work and trained her ass off in order to make MC see her as a legitimate danger/challenge. She might be bat shit crazy, but her dedication to her goal has to be admired.


SOMEBODY GETS IT! I keep hearing how "he's supposed to be this badass but gets taken out by a little girl" and I'm like, "y'all..."

I appreciate that you got what I was going for with Cecilia and her intent. She's conditioned herself specifically to counter the MC, so if she were to go up against someone like Jade, she'd have a significantly harder time. Glad to meet a fellow martial artist, and would love to have you in the Discord!

(1 edit)

Cecilia's motivation and self training were clear as day the moment MC started dialoging about how she was harder to handle every time they met. Maybe it's just because I trained my ass off as well, but I would hope it would be clear to more people.

It just goes to show that not everyone understands how fighting actually works. There is no "ultimate style" that will win every time. It all comes down to strategy and training, even someone you have already defeated can come back and wipe the floor with you if you don't have a sound strategy and execute properly.

Sadly I don't actually practice and train anymore due to health issues that limit my mobility. Took a bad fall that screwed my back up royally, causing me to have to get my L4, L5, and S1 fused. I'm not asking for anyone's pity though, it was my own arrogance that brought it about. I was overconfident during a self defense incident and got taken to the ground, smashing my lower back against a rock. I'm just glad it didn't paralyze me.

Thank you again for portraying martial arts properly. I wish more people took your approach to the subject.

Okay I just reached chapter 6 so I'm going ahead and posting my opinion. First the critiques. That's the easiest mostly I wouldn't mind seeing some more choices to at least give some interaction with it even if it doesn't really affect the story. Having enough player interaction could make or break any game. Couple of places here or there that some typos need to be fixed on but that's not a big deal. Finally the positive. The story is interesting and freaking adorable along with the characters.  Every time you think you have a favorite girl a new one gets introduced and boom you have a new favorite. Most of them are so sweet and the dialogue of the main character is great as well. The story is very well written and I have to say a great job has been done in crafting each one of the characters unique personality. Looking forward to much more to come.


This project has been very much a learning experience for me. As stated in the description of the title, it is a "mostly linear" experience, as I'm an author first and not much of a game designer lol. That being said, I've definitely been learning more and more about game design and coding within Ren'py itself, and Chapter 7 will feature a much more choice-heavy narrative, as that seems to be the chief request among many of the readers/players.

I appreciate and value your feedback! Thank you!


And I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my comment. It's always a very good sign when the creators take time to listen to their fans and interact with them. You are definitely on the right track no doubt about it.

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