[PATCH/PROGRESS REPORT] Trial of Selection Adjustments + DLC Framework Update

Hey, all. 

Over the course of the public release of, there have been some complaints about the difficulty of the Trial of Selection in S2E4. It turns out the random number generation was not working the way I wanted it to, so I changed how things work. Now, the Trial gets easier if you die once, and significantly easier if you die twice. 

This update also includes an adjustment to the DLC framework so that every DLC can be self-contained and not require any update to the main game. I thought this was already the case, but it turned out I still had some variables in the main script that were associated with the DLC characters. Now, when you start or load a game, it should check the DLC file if you have it unlocked to see what the character's maximum scene count is. That way you'll be able to get a DLC update and play immediately without having to mess with any main game update after this one. 

This means that if you own the Senia DLC, you'll have to update Senia and the main game together. Fantasies Collection is unaffected. 

Game Version:

Main Game Download Link: https://victorseven.itch.io/wca (same as always)


  • Implemented automatic difficulty scaler for Trial of Selection to make it easier on each death
  • Implemented DLC Framework for self-contained updates
  • Added a main story progress restriction to Wither's 5th scene, as players were able to play it too early, causing continuity issues
  • Various small adjustments

PC and Mac Builds available. Android waiting on Estrada's port. Should have it within a few days.

Senia Update:

SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1637916

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dlc-list-118414800?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_s...

Alright, onto the Progress Report:

Most of my time this period was spent on code and trying to wring more creativity out of the dry sponge that is my brain right now. Been having a lot of trouble writing lately, for some reason. I assume that's just the executive dysfunction rubbing its hands together gleefully as it sabotages me, but it's been worse as of late. This last episode seems to be fairly polarizing. I've received a lot of praise for it, with some saying it's been the best episode so far. I've also received some discouraging and disparaging comments, with some completely dropping the game because of it. Massive motivation killer for someone who already has severe issues with motivation. I suppose people are used to devs that don't pay attention to their communities. I do listen, y'all. WCA has always been community-driven. If something is unenjoyable, I'll do what I can to make it enjoyable.

Anyways, back to work. Will hopefully have made some progress on by next Saturday. Hopefully this patch helps soothe some of the frustration around the Trial of Selection.

- Vic


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Sometimes the most natural path trumps trying to jump expectations...

You got this, looking forward to the next chapter...


How do the character DLC's work? Do they eventually become part of the main game or will there be another DLC to pick up for unlocking them at some point like the Fantasies Collection?


The DLC girls are all going to eventually be made available for purchase. Different Supporter tiers get different benefits regarding these DLCs.

T4 and up get Early Access and get to play them as they're being developed
T3 gets free DLCs when they're finished
T2 gets 50% off DLCs when they're finished

We WILL be doing DLC giveaways in the Discord here and there as well, and we may do community freebies as well, so people who are unable to support financially can have chances to enjoy them too. 


I didn't have any problems with Trial of Selection. God of death said it would be hard for mc, so by design it should be difficult.