[RELEASE] Happy Holidays! Fantasies Collection is Half-Off on Launch!

And here... we... go. 

(The Fantasies Collection Add-on will NOT work with versions of WCA lower than Get it here: https://victorseven.itch.io/wca)

Here it is. The beta version of WCA's Fantasies Collection Add-on, half off for a few days during launch. I've seen a number of games do H-galleries like this, some priced at $20 or more. I felt a $10 base price was fair given the sheer number of hours I put in on H-scenes. They are even more time-intensive than the fight scenes. Some of these scenes have taken me 4 to 5 hours of constant work, and some of them can be upwards of 50 video loops long. None of that "1 position, 3 speeds, then bust" garbage you see in a lot of H-games. I'm open to feedback on it, obviously, and keeping my ear to the ground when it comes to potential issues with the Add-on. It'll be updated as the community finds bugs, and once you own it, you own it forever. You'll never be charged again, and you'll get all the updates, even if this eventually increases in price (which I highly doubt will happen).

The half-off sale for the public will last 5 days, and then the discount will be exclusive to Tier 2 Supporters. It will, of course, be made available for free to supporters of Tier 3 and higher.

Real curious to hear what y'all think of this! I included an option to turn off the Animated Thumbnails in the Options menu in case they tank performance on your device. If you toggle the Animated Thumbnails off, be sure to close and reboot the game and it'll work. 



FantasiesCollection v0.5 Beta 56 MB
72 days ago

Get WCA Fantasies Collection (H Gallery Add-On)

Buy Now$10.00 USD or more


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Just so I understand what this actually does I have to ask. Does this add new H-Scenes or just make a gallery for the ones already in the game? 

Also I am getting concerned about the game itself. You keep adding new things. First is was the re-write of chapter 1(which I personally didn't think was needed), then the DLCs and now this Gallery Add-on. I am worried that you will get so busy with all this extraneous stuff that the game will get side tracked or delayed due to burn-out. I know these things take a lot of work and thus time and mental energy. Don't spread yourself too thin. I really want this story to keep going. I have enjoyed the journey immensely so far.


Yes, it's just a gallery for H-scenes. But it doesn't require you to have played the H-scenes, so people who are looking for that kind of content can enjoy that if they're not interested in the story. It will also feature H-scenes that we dream up and make that are NOT in the main game. 

And I understand your concern... for someone whose brain functions normally. I unfortunately have severe unmedicated ADHD. My version demands that I cycle my interests. So before all this, when I got stuck on WCA, I had to cycle to something else for a while, like music, or my book series, or writing for my tabletop campaign. But recently, with the Senia DLC and the Fantasies Collection, I've been able to cycle WITHIN WCA projects, which has just about tripled my productivity. We're not even a week out from having released this last Side Story patch to the public, and we're already close to halfway done with the next Main Story episode patch. That has NEVER happened before. 

So while I understand your concern if you were dealing with someone who was neurotypical, it's had sort of the opposite effect. I've gotten more done in the past couple of weeks during this cycle than I have in the past in a 3 month period. I burn out when I lose my momentum. Being able to cycle through WCA tasks and get that dopamine rush of making progress and finishing things has helped me conserve that momentum, which I have channeled into S2E4's progress. If this keeps up, you might see a new Main Story drop within a month.